Help Wanted

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You woke up and checked your clock it was five am, you still had a little time until you would have to go to Freddy's for questioning. You took a hot shower, and cleaned up. You decided to wear a formal outfit, since all the employees seemed to wear them. After getting ready you didn't have time for breakfast, you ended up skipping it since you didn't have much time and you could get something on they way home. You boarded the bus and were actually in a pretty good mood until you remembered, you were going to have to see him. You were going to have to talk about your brother. You were going to tell the truth, what really happened that day, and you weren't going to let him stop you. You had a new found confidence now, it was going to be justice for your brother.


You had finally arrived at Freddy's, the place had a different feeling to it now, not just because of the horrible memories you made here, but it was the silence the place was empty there were no cheerful children and no celebrations. It was almost creepy. Henry walked up to you which startled you a little.
'The police should be here soon, they want to question me on my own, since I'm the owner and all-' he chuckled nervously.
'Is it possible that I could be questioned alone?'
'I'm not sure we'll have to ask the police when the arrive, Y/n is everything ok? Is there something you want to tell me?'
Would Henry even believe you? You had to give it a shot, worst case he thinks you're crazy.
'It's just Mr. Afton he-'
'I what?' It was William, he was smirking, and wearing the same purple suit as yesterday, seeing him you lost a little of your confidence.
'Nothing Mr. Afton,' you looked down to the ground ashamed of your self.
'I already told you darling, you can just call me William or Will.' 
'Ok, William.' you said, Henry could see you were uncomfortable.
'Y/n if it's ok I want to talk in my office you can get a drink of water or cool down first, if you want' Henry said, this gave you another chance to tell him, but it didn't quite seem like the right moment at the same time.
'Ok Mr. Emily I'll be right there.' he gave you a reassuring smile and walked down the hall to his office.
Trying to be true to your word you went to the left of the stage to get some water, but a cold hand on your shoulder stopped you.
'Aww come on we don't want anyone finding out about our little secret.'
'Leave me alone-' ,you shoved his hand of your shoulder.
'Don't be rude darling, I trust you after all, if you break that trust I might have to get rid of you.' 
You couldn't believe what you just heard, did he just threaten you? You walked down the hall to Mr. Emily's office trying to forget what you just heard. You opened the door Mr. Emily was sitting at his desk.
'Hi Y/n I just was wondering if you wanted to talk to me in private, look I know Will can be a little intimidating sometimes, but really he's a nice guy.'
Yeah right. 
'Is there anything you'd like to tell me Y/n?' he added 'personally I won't tell Will.'
 What William had said to you before echoed in your head. 
'No Mr.Emily I was just wondering about the questioning, with Mr. Afton and everything.'
 'Oh! Well in that case when this whole thing gets cleared up, maybe you'd be interested in a job here!?'
A job? At the place with all these bad memories and thoughts, the place were you'd be working with the psychopath himself ,no. Yet you heard yourself say say,
Why? Why had you said that? Because you felt bad for Henry it wasn't his fault any of this stuff was happening, he looked like he needed some extra help and maybe just maybe you could find your brother, maybe you could get William in jail.  Henry interrupted your thoughts,
'Really Y/n that's great I've actually been ashamed to admit I've been needing a little bit of a helping hand around this place.'
'No problem Mr. Emily hope this gets cleared up soon!' you were actually smiling, you weren't really happy you just wanted to reassure Mr. Emily.
There was a knock on the door. 
'Oh, it looks like the officers are here!'
Two police officers walked into the room. One was a man and the other was a woman, the man had brown hair and brown eyes and was actually pretty short, you could see from his badge his name was 'Daniel' the woman also had brown hair, but instead of brown, green eyes, and was around the same high as Daniel, her badge told you her name was Lauren.
'Is this Mr. Emily.' the woman said looking at Henry.
'Yes this maam my name is Henry Emily.' he replied.
 'Alright Mr. Emily I'm going to be questioning you today is there a separate room I can use?'
 Henry lead Officer Lauren to a separate party room, Officer Daniel followed and took the other room, and lead you into it, William walked into the room.
'This is the questioning of Y/n L/n and William Afton, I will be recording this as evidence.' he said, he sounded a little nervous though. 
'L/n you described the kidnapper to be wearing a yellow bunny suit which was later identified as the Spring Bonnie suit, were you able to see any other features of the kidnapper?'
'I know that the kidnapper was a man-'  Mr. Afton looked you in the eyes his silver eyes were piercing. 
'I wasn't able to see much more though.' you finished
 'And Mr. Afton the people using the suit that day were?'
 'Only Nicholas and me used the suit that day.' he said, smirking
 'You wouldn't mind if we later investigate the suit?' 
 'I wouldn't mind at all just be careful I wouldn't want the suit to get damaged as I hope to use it in the future.'
You hated him so much.
'Of course Mr. Afton, we'll try our best without damaging the suit.' Daniel was much more confident and calmer now.
'Alright well L/n do you have any suspects or a possible idea of who the kidnapper could be?'
He laid pictures of all the employees that had worked that day, you looked through them and didn't know what to say when the 'kidnapper' was right behind you.
William patted you on the back, which Officer Daniel took as an act of kindness, but you knew was an act of control. Cold sweat ran down your back.
'I don't think it was any of these people, I-I already said I'm not sure they were wearing a suit.'
Officer Daniel scratched his head, he looked disappointed almost, but was trying to hide it.
'Alright thank you Y/n L/n and Mr. Afton, that'll be all for now.' Officer Daniel concluded.
When you walked out you saw Henry and Officer Lauren sitting there. 
'We'll be going now thank you for your time we will keep investigating into this case.' Office Lauren said and she and Officer Daniel left.
After, Henry made you fill out some paper work, once you finished you officially worked at Freddy Fazbear's. It gave you mix feelings; on one hand you were helping out someone who needed help: Henry. On the other hand well, your brother, and Will, William Afton, a man whom you despised more than anyone in this world. 
'See you tomorrow at six to get you your uniform and start training.' Henry smiled.
 'See you tomorrow Henry.'
I miss you Felix...

Third Chapter! I really hoped you liked it! These first few chapters have been more of a set-up for the main plot, which will start around the fourth or fifth chapter when you start working at Freddy's! And if you're reading this right now, thank you so much for reading it makes me happy if even one person likes reading this!
Total word count: 1336 

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