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   You had spent the last thirty minutes in the backroom dipping a towel in soapy water scrubbing then scrubbing your uniform with it trying to rub off the greasy stain, thinking about it,the stain was really disgusting. You heard a light knock on the door, your body tensed up. Was it William?
'Y/n?' A familiar voice said. It was just Henry.
Henry opened the door and came in.
'You have a call Y/n,' he said, then looked at what you were doing,'Y/n! You don't have to worry so much about the uniform, kids are messy so they get dirty all the time.' 
He motioned to his own shirt, but whatever point he was trying to prove didn't work since his uniform was completely spotless.
'Oh William told me to clean it.'
Henry laughed, 'He does tend to be serious about that kind of stuff, anyways Y/n you have a call from your friend's parents I'm guessing.'
Friend's Parents? Who and how did they get your work number? 
'Let's get out of here Y/n, there's not a lot of room for the air to circulate.'
He led you to his office where a red manual phone was ringing, you picked up the phone,
'I'll give you some privacy while you talk,'Henry left the room. 
'Oh goodness Y/n! We're so glad you're ok!' It was an adult woman who sounded like she'd been crying.
'Yeah I'm fine..who is this?'
'Oh Y/n we haven't seen you in a long time, this is Lia's mom, Mrs. Grover, you might remember I always picked Lia up from high school,' she sniffed.
Lia's mom! Mrs. Grover, how could you forget, oh god this was a mess. Did they find out about Lia? What if they though it was your fault? You couldn't act suspicious, you were going to have to play dumb. You had lied before anyways, at the police interrogation.
'Oh Mrs. Grover I remember you of course! I actually haven't seen Lia in a while has she come to stay with you?' You didn't think it was that convincing, but whenever Lia went to her parent's house she would use their phone to call you, so you could use that.
'No, actually-' Mrs. Grover sniffled loud into the phone, 'we were calling about Lia.'
'Wha-what happened? I noticed she was gone fore some time.'
You couldn't believe it, you were lying to Lia's mom!
'She's been officially reported as missing, we don't know where she is, she called us on the apartment coin phone saying she was going out to do something important.'
She began crying you could hear her sniffling. Lia's dad, Mr. Grover spoke up for her,
After forty-eight of hours going missing the chance of survival are much lower,' he sighed. You felt horrible, knowing there was no point to them stressing about Lia's survival, she was already gone.
'I-I'm so sorry Mr. and Mrs. Grover, I thought she-this is all my fault I-'
'No. Y/n it's not your fault, we think Lia left thinking she was safe maybe trying to protect herself she sounded scared when she was talking to us,we are going to try find whoever is responsible for Lia's disappearance, and hopefully find her, we might even consider moving here.'
You felt like crying you had to keep it together for them though, it was your fault, it really was.
'Alright feel free to stay in my apartment, least I can do, I'll do the best to help you.'
'Goodbye until later Y/n.' Mr. Grover sighed and hung up.
Move here they had to be kidding, though thinking of it they spent a lot of their life caring for Lia. This was horrible, Lia gone, you had been trying to forget about her in all honesty, thoughts of her would still plague your mind. It really was all your fault. You were about to cry then, you heard the office door open, someone walked in. Not Henry.
'Wow Y/n I must say I'm impressed,' William chuckled. You hated him so much you had just done what he wanted, you lied for him. Thoughts began rushing through your head, that this couldn't be the case. You didn't lie for him you lied to protect yourself right,but wasn't that even worse?  You held back from crying. Henry walked in, thank god he did,
'Are you guys ok?'
 'Yeah, I just got some surprising news over phone,' you said after inhaling.
 'Oh, I'm sorry Y/n. Is there anything I can do to help?' 
  Henry really was trying to help, but he couldn't. It made you feel bad, because he was such a nice man, and he had to work with Afton. Well he didn't know the truth, he trusted him.
'Uh-Will I think Elizabeth's getting a bit impatient, maybe you should get her home.' Henry said, sort of forcing a laugh.
'Also Y/n your shift's over so you can go too!' He smiled at you trying to make you feel better,but it looked more like a sad smile. There was an awkward silence,
'Well..goodbye Will, goodbye Y/n.'
'Goodbye Henry,' William said.
'Bye Henry.'
 Henry left the room, William decided to leave too which was surprising to you,
 'Goodbye love.'
 You hated it when he called you that, because you hated him so much, but you were pretty sure he called everyone that.
     You waited until he left the room, and you sat there in silence. You felt horrible, this mess. Poor Lia and Lia's parents they still had hope finding her. Were you ever going to be able to tell them? You couldn't sit in Henry's office crying. 'At least get back to your apartment,' you thought. 
Outside in the parking lot Henry had just finished getting his kids buckled up and was starting up his car.
William was getting his kids buckled  ,Michael was sitting in the front seat already, Evan was sitting in the back it looked like he had been crying again, Elizabeth had a really red face, she must of had another tantrum. She seemed pretty reluctant to getting buckled up, but after a minute or so she did.
As usual you were stuck waiting for the bus, which was taking longer than usual. Finally the bus pulled up to the station, it stopped with a loud screech. You sat on the bus pretty pissed that you had to stay extra time at Freddy's, even if it was just a short phone call, one less minute there is a minute well spent in your book.
Today was different. Thinking about it you had never been good at lying, especially not to Lia's mom. You had spent time with her since elementary and she was able to tell whenever you were lying to her immediately ,maybe it was, because she couldn't see your facial expressions, or because she was so worried about Lia. 

You had lied to protect yourself,this is was a one time scenario.

Hjgjhgf-Ok so last chapter I was saying thank you for 100 reads, now I have over 200 reads :O 
Some people are actually adding this to their reading lists and voting on it.Thank you so much! this is sort of a short chapter.? I might go back and edit this a bit. I don't know why it took me so long to update, but I'm so happy that some people are reading this and possibly enjoying it!? :)
Word count: 1200


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