Mrs. Grover

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The next day you had off from work, unfortunately you didn't end up getting the break you were longing for.
It was around six in the morning when you woke up due to someone knocking loudly on your door. You didn't bother getting dressed, because you didn't really have too much respect for whoever was waking you up at six in the morning on a weekend, but when you opened the front door what you saw was not what you expected,
'M-Mrs. Grover?'
'Oh sorry Y/n, did I wake you up?' You noticed she was talking in a more professional tone, weird.
' it's everything ok?' You were very confused why she was at your apartment was this a dream or something.
'Well Y/n I called you yesterday and I told you we might be moving here, my husband was unable to come due to his heart condition,' you remembered Mr. Grover having some health issue when you were in high school, 'So I decided to travel here until the police are able to close my daughter's case.'
Oh no.
'So will you be staying with me..?'
'No worries! I'll stay in Lia's apartment.'
What was going on everything was happening so fast. Plus would Mrs. Grover be ok staying in Lia's apartment all of her old stuff was in there?
'Oh ok.'
There was an awkward silence, and then,
'I-I'm sorry Y/n. I want to find out what happened to my daughter,'Mrs. Grover's eyes were watery and her voice was quavering. You felt very bad, maybe you could give her a little hint about Lia's death, like the location, or just the general area, or was it too risky?
'Mrs. Grover it's ok if-if you need help with anything-'
'It's fine Y/n, I'm ok, thank you so much for helping me.'
'Alright then really Mrs. Grover is there anything I can do?'
'No sweetie you can go back to bed now,' she smiled though it was a sad smile.
'Ok see you soon.'
You went back to your bed and did not sleep. What had you gotten yourself into? What if she finds the truth? This was a huge mess, and it was all your fault,no this was all his fault.He should be the one worried right now, he should be the one having to endure this, but he wasn't. Why weren't you doing anything though?
You spent the rest of the day in your apartment, refusing to leave, because of the risk of talking to Lia's mom. The next day you had work anyways.
Today was the usual work schedule except for the fact it was a Saturday so Freddy's was probably going to be packed. You put on your uniform, and then walked down the apartment hall in a rush to get the bus, Mrs. Grover was also in the hall, at first it didn't pose a threat until she walked down the hall with you, and boarded the bus with you. This could've have been a silent ordeal, but Mrs. Grover started a conversation,
'Y/n I've been doing some research, about this town, and as you know it's pretty small, but I've been thinking about the place you work, where Fritz went missing, and I think it ties back to Lia's disappearance, she told me over the phone that night that she was going to the lower town, where Freddy Fazbear's I believe it's called is located?'
Shivers went down your spine, she was catching on quick, this was a problem, don't lie now it would be too obvious,
'Yes, it is.'
'Would you mind if I followed you to work?'
This was a huge problem, she could not follow you to work, no William would, as always, be working there, your head told you no but you spoke almost without control,
 The rest of the short bus ride was in silence, when the bus stopped she followed you into Freddy's. William was probably in his office, good. She sat on one of the chairs, just sitting there what did she expect to happen?
The beginning of your day was normal working with the stage, but when working backstage William interfered.
'Hello love, you never gave me a chance to thank you.'
'F-for what?'
'Lying for me.'
 You had got to be kidding, you lied to protect yourself,right? You told yourself that, it has to be true. You would never try and protect William.
'I-I did not lie for you, obviously.'
 He smirked,making you doubt what you said earlier. Was he manipulating you?
 You tried to look out from behind the curtain to check if Mrs. Grover was still there, she was still sitting on the chair in the corner. William took notice to this behavior, and saw the woman you were looking at,
'Who is that Y/n,' he laughed.
'No one-just stay away from her, please,' you said, you were getting a little emotional.
'You didn't answer my question darling, who is she?'
 He was serious now, he wasn't smiling. It would put her, and you, in danger if you answered the question, but you had this feeling you had to,
'She-she's Lia's mom-' you felt like crying, 'she's here to find out about Lia's disappearance, and she's already tied it back to Freddy's,'
He smirked,you had given him exactly what he wanted, again. 
'But please don't hurt her, please don't.'
'I won't,' You sighed of relief, 'yet.'
 Damn it, he couldn't, you weren't going to beg him not to, even if you did he wouldn't listen, does he even feel pity? You couldn't cry, he would think you're weak, so you were stuck with the man that had ruined your life, and was probably planning to make it even worse, because killing your brother and your best friend wasn't enough.
Your new goal was to keep Lia's mom safe as long as yo had an eye on her William couldn't do anything, he couldn't hurt her. Though thinking about it in real life, it was bold of you to assume he wouldn't kill in front of you, but that was the last thing you wanted, to have to witness death.   You had a feeling that you were losing control over yourself though, you couldn't always think properly. 
You walked over to Mrs. Grover,
'Hi Mrs. Grover, I've practically finished my shift so you can go home if you'd like,' you said helpfully.
'Oh Y/n, who is this man?'
You looked over to see William behind you, shoot.
'Oh uhm this is my boss, Mr. Afton you can um.. introduce yourself if..'
'Hello Mrs. Grover Y/n's told me about you,' he looked her straight in the eyes, which would've frightened you, but to her it just seemed like normal manners, 
'My name is William Afton, I Co-own Freddy's, and Y/n works for me, I also helped design some of the animatronics you see,' he finished his introduction.
'Oh well nice to meet you Mr. Afton, I'm sure Y/n loves working here, to me it seems like she takes her job very seriously.' To this comment William got a smug grin.
'Well Mrs.Grover let's get home, I'm pretty tired from today. Goodbye Mr. Afton!'

You were actually pretty tired from today, Mrs. Grover was kind of annoying, you can't believe you'd think that, but it was shockingly how you were starting to feel.

Sorry updates have been a little slow, they'll be faster from now on! Thank you for all the support on this story :D I forgot to mention this earlier this has already happened in the story, but this will be messing with the fnaf timeline a little.
Word count: 1231


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