"Family" Dinner

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It was around six pm when you and Mrs. Grover were all packed and ready to go to 'The Afton Household'. You came later than he suggested because you assumed it would annoy him, you still hadn't forgiven that bastard after what he'd done to you. You tried to convince yourself you never had, he had just manipulated you is what you'd like to believe.
Mrs. Grover drove you in her car to the address he had given you afterwards. You had to admit it was not what you were expecting, it was a very nice house; a relatively large property, a nice coat of paint, and very private. Not exactly near any other houses, but not in the middle of nowhere; if that made sense. 
 Mrs. Grover parked in front of the garage. You hadn't forgiven William, but you were of course going to act reasonable. 
'Well I guess we're here Y/n, I'll try to save up for some sort of motel while we're here,' Mrs. Grover said optimistically.
'Yeah, I'll try to save up too,' you sighed.
You knocked slowly and nervously on the door three times. The door whipped open taking you by surprise. 
'Y/n!!' You looked down to see Elizabeth smiling at you. She was wearing one of those pink frilly princess dresses, she looked very cute. 
'Hello Elizabeth,' you smiled.
Mrs. Grover leaned in next to you, 'He has children? I didn't know he had children,' she whispered. 
'Sorry,I thought I told you. Well he has three children,' you whispered in return.
Elizabeth didn't liked being ignored like this, she raised her voice, 'You guys can come in now!' 
'Oh uh-thank you Elizabeth,' Mrs. Grover uttered, taken aback. 
She led you inside, 'My daddy is making dinner. Michael got in big trouble today, he got his stupid Foxy mask taken away, you should've seen Y/n,' she said innocently.
'Why'd he get in trouble?' You asked.
'He was caught scaring Evan again with the mask, Evan got so scared he began crying, again. Then Michael got his mask taken away,' she said. 
'That's...unfortunate,' Mrs. Grover said confused.
Elizabeth most likely didn't understand what Mrs. Grover meant. 'Daddy,' she yelled from what you were assuming was the living room, 'can I show Y/n our house?'
William stood in the doorway of kitchen, 'Of course Elizabeth. Just follow the rules: No going in my study, and no going in my room,' he said.
'Ok Daddy,' she said excitedly, grabbing your arm and leading you back towards the living room.  Mrs. Grover awkwardly followed you.
'This is the living room, we can watch television here,' she said preparing to guide you to the next room. She led you and Mrs. Grover down the hall, and opened a white door, this is Evan's room. You saw a lot of Freddy's plushies and a few other children's toys, most notable was a large toy phone. Evan was sitting on his bed looking at one of his bigger plushies, a big golden bear.
'This is Evan's room, he sleeps here,' Elizabeth smiled. 
'Hi Evan,' you greeted him.
'Hey,' he said softly.
 Michael's room wasn't very different from Evan's room except for the facts it didn't have a bunch of toys on the ground, besides a Foxy plushie.
Elizabeth was very excited to show you her room, she had a pink bed, a pink lamp, a dresser drawer, and a nice painting. She was very proud of it. Then finally she showed you down the hall pointing at a grayish door, 'That's Daddy's room,' she whispered, 'you're not allowed to go in there. His study is downstairs, even we're not allowed to go in there, but he said he's making something special for me, I'm so excited!'
This whole time you'd been wondering where Michael was since he wasn't in his room. Your question was answered however when Elizabeth led you downstairs telling you it was time for dinner. Michael walked through the front door and sat down at the table. You sat next to Mrs. Grover, William had made some sort of pasta you weren't familiar with the type. Mrs. Grover seemed surprised by this, and clearly displaying it.
'What?' William laughed, 'you think just because I work at a pizzeria we only eat pizza?' He was just light heartedly joking around with Mrs. Grover, he did like to charm people. You knew this was just a facade that he also kept up at work. You didn't eat, you just sat there.
Mrs. Grover didn't seem to have any restraints when talking about her opinion on Freddy's, you would have to give her subtle hints for when she was going too far. 
'I'll show Y/n and Mrs. Grover off to bed, that is if you two are tired,' William said. 'Hm? What's wrong Y/n, did you not like the food?' He asked.
'No, I just felt sick,' you said, knowing he would know you were lying. 
'Well then, you should probably go off to bed,' he said, 'let me lead you to where you'll be sleeping.' He grabbed you by the arm, leading you to a door painted white. 
'What's wrong?' He asked quietly.
'Why was he even asking,' you thought to yourself.
'I'm asking because I care Y/n,' he laughed a little when saying this. This frightened you, like he could read your mind. You needed to calm yourself, he couldn't. He was just messing with you/
'I haven't forgiven you,' you said strongly. Certain he wouldn't try anything when his kids and Mrs. Grover were around, but it didn't have the effect you were hoping for. It almost looked like he had to strongly refrain from laughing at you. 
'You think you have a choice?' he practically wheezed.
Of course you had a choice, you nodded still strongly
'I regret nothing, if you're waiting for an apology you're not going to get one darling. Might as well sleep on it,' he said opening the door to where you'd most likely be sleeping for the next week. An entire week of this. He left you alone, at least giving you some privacy.
You lay on the bed in the room, it was comfortable, but you weren't right now. You decided to take William's advice which was to sleep on it, you would greet Michael later.

'What a great start to this week,'
you thought sarcastically while drifting asleep.

Thank you guys so much for 2k reads! I love every one of you guys, and hope you enjoyed this update! I want to do more frequent updates, but I have been having some personal issues recently :(
Writing this story has been so fun for me and I'm excited to continue! 
Word Count: 1102

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