Not quite the end

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Directly continued from last chapter!
TW: Blade, (Mention of Death?)

You took one step into the study, nothing was irregular. You immediately something robotic moving, it was what was making the noise. You stepped closer to get a better look, but as you did so something lunged behind at you from behind and grabbed you by the shoulders. The kitchen knife was fell out of your hand. You tried to scream but something was stopping you, a gag.
You knew only death awaited you.
The kitchen knife you had dropped,you tried to search for it in hopes you could defend yourself, no luck. But in seconds you felt the cold metal blade held against your own throat. You tried to fight back, you tried to scream. No matter how much you screamed the gag made any noise inaudible. It was all like one hellish nightmare.
'Stop struggling.'
You heard the familiar voice that could only belong to William, your blood went cold. You stopped moving partly because you thought maybe if you did you wouldn't get hurt, which you knew wasn't the case, and partly because you were so panicked. 
Was this it? Had  your survival led up to this? Had he spared you just for you to die at this moment? 
He moved the blade from your throat, this actually allowed you to breathe easier. He then cut the gag with it.  You couldn't see that much in the dark room, but you saw his eyes light up with some sort of sick joy. You shuddered, how could he be so vile? 
You took deep breaths trying to calm yourself, especially since it had been so hard to breathe with that gag. You were alive, at least for now.
'Are you going to...kill me,' you asked,shuddering. You'd never thought you'd have to ask such a thing in your entire life.
'No,' he said, you noticed a soft purr in his voice, 'after all it'd be a shame to lose you so soon.'
You were still a little tense, you didn't completely trust him, it felt like he could change his mind at any moment. You checked a clock on the wall, it was around two am if anything were to happen to you, it's likely no one would awake.
'Calm yourself, I'll keep to my word. Trust me darling,' he said, having clearly taken notice of how tense you were. To symbolize partial agreement you loosened up your shoulders a little. 
He walked quickly across the room, 'I've been working on developing designs of better quality for Freddy's, I wasn't aware of how much noise they were making,' he said writing something on a piece of paper, a blueprint, 'this will be important information for later.'
You sat there in silence, he was clearly pretty intelligent, he had a family too, and a good job, why was he like this? Since you'd met his family it had been something you wanted to ask, but never had the guts to. Would it be out of place to ask? 
'Why-Why are you like this,' you said, accidently repeating the 'why' part, but it was too late now you had asked. 
He stopped writing and looked up from the page. This wasn't good you suddenly felt sick and very nervous, still questioning whether he'd stay true to his word.
   'Why am I like this,' he repeated with a smirk plastered across his face, 'oh, Y/n you don't know the half of it. The thoughts that others  find sickening or nightmarish, are fantasy for me. The more you try to understand me the more you'll regret it, don't try to.'
You had most definitely regretted asking him that, you felt even worse than before, the sick feeling hadn't gone either.
He was soon done with whatever he was writing and put it away in one of the drawers. 
'Could I ask you to keep an eye on Mrs. Grover love, just make sure she doesn't do too much... poking around,' he said in a calm tone of voice.
For once it didn't seem too hard to agree with him, for one you knew if William got caught you'd probably get in trouble too, you had been relatively involved since Felix went missing. It was just one thing you'd do not just for him, but for yourself as well at least.
'Ok,' was all you said though, but he did seem very happy about this or at least put on an act of it.
'Go to bed now, Elizabeth can almost always tell when you're lacking energy,' William whispered sounded like he was half joking. You couldn't help, but laugh a little, this was very true, it felt weird even if it was just once to be talking to him, normally. 
You did go to bed though, you noticed he didn't he stayed in his study. A question you had forgotten from earlier was answered, he did lock the door with a key, meaning he probably knew someone was trying to get into his study, and he had thought ahead to see who it was or something along those lines. 
He knew how he'd woken you up with the noises, you didn't take much more of your time to theorize how he had thought this through, taking his own advice from earlier. You just needed a break from thinking if that made sense, you didn't have much time until early morning, where you'd have to get ready and go to work.
You had been so in the present at the time you were in the study, that when you lay down in bed some shock and adrenaline still remained, it was pretty hard to fall asleep, but you managed.

This took so long, I know I said I was going to update in 1-2 days, but I ended up getting very busy and a little lost on the plot, that's why this chapter feels weird to me. It's also pretty late that I wrote this and being honest I don't do that well without sleep :P
I might change the format of the story, to smaller paragraphs more spaced. I'll go back and fix up this chapter a little bit when I have time tomorrow! Thank you guys so much for almost 3k reads!!! 
Word Count: 1036

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