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William showed you the vile which contained some sort liquid. You leaned in closer to get a better look at the vile he was holding, to your surprise he let you. The liquid was pink. But not a fun pink or a rosy pink. The shade of pink you associate with organs. "Human organs? More like animal organs," you thought, trying to find the right way to describe the color in your head.

You looked closer at the vile it looked like the liquid was swirling in the vile, which it most likely was. It looked almost like it was...alive? You wrinkled your nose in disgust, you didn't have a good feeling about whatever he was going to show you. But your curiosity and awe kept you looking instead of saying anything. You reached out to grab the small vile, to get a closer look. He quickly pulled it away from your hands.

'Now now Y/n, we look with our eyes not our hands,' he scolded, talking to you like you were some four year old.

This comment ticked you off, you wanted to call him out for it. It wasn't like you should be scared of him anymore. You guys were sort of partners now, you felt closer to him than you ever had before.
'You know you don't have to treat me like a four year old child,' you muttered annoyed.

He looked back at you, 'What did you say darling?', he asked you. He tilted his head to the side ever so slightly as if to resemble confusion. 'You know,' he said, placing his hand on your chin, his thumb on your bottom lip, 'you can tell me anything now. I won't mind. I won't hurt you,' he waited a few seconds as if he were expecting you to say something. You remained silent. 'Nothing, huh,' he said then pulled away still somewhat eager to show you whatever was in the vile.

'The souls of the children, have you ever wondered how they're preserved after death,' William asked. You nodded confused and frightened about how he could relate this back to what appeared to be a living substance in the vile.
'Well I believe this is it. The metal of the animatronics. When melted it turns into this liquid right here, remnant. It need to be kept at a certain temperature or else it loses the pink pigment, and I believe it loses it's function.'
You looked at him confused, 'What do you mean by function,' you asked.
He smirked, 'Immortality, I believe, however, it's just theory.'

You gawked. Immortality, real? Would that make sense or even be possible? You didn't think so, but did it make sense that children's souls were preserved and still living in animatronics? You didn't think so before all this. He put the vile back in the fridge, obviously relating to what he had told you earlier about the temperature.


You smiled. Hearing Elizabeth's sweet voice scream from upstairs. 'She must be hungry,' he laughed. 'Come upstairs with me love, she tells me that she likes you.'
You smiled, happy that Elizabeth had said that. You followed William upstairs, when you got to the top of the staircase Elizabeth was waiting in front of the door.

She almost instantly noticed you, 'Hey, you're not allowed to be down there. Daddy says you aren't,' she accused you.
William winked at you. 'Y/n has special permission Elizabeth,' he said calmly.
'Oh,' Elizabeth said. Then skipped off to the kitchen, William was right she was hungry.

William made dinner while you kept Elizabeth occupied playing dolls with her. You had to admit he did have a weird ability to cook good food, really good food. It must be some weird talent of his. When dinner was ready everyone sat at the table together, including Mrs. Grover. You had been unaware of her whereabouts until this moment. She was upstairs earlier probably working on more of her "Arrest the Fazbear Killer" fliers.

You weren't as worried about Mrs.Grover as you were before, in fact for the first time in a very long time you felt maybe relaxed. Though the atmosphere at the table was thick, to say the least. You swore Mrs. Grover was acting weird almost aggressive towards William. You thought weren't the only one who felt it.

Elizabeth, Evan, and Michael had already gone to bed or were getting prepared to do so. Mrs. Grover was still eating while William cleaned up everyone else's plates. There was sort of an awkward silence even though at the moment no one was pressured to say anything.

William walked over to where you had just finished eating. You had eaten everything, and he had obviously taken notice. He plastered a big smile on his face, 'I'm so glad you liked it love,' He said, putting emphasis on the last word. Yes, he had called you names like that before, but never in front of other people. Mrs. Grover looked up from her plate where she was eating the few remaining green beans. You turned red.
William swooped down to pick up the plate at your seating spot and gave you a peck on the cheek. It felt like all the heat in your body went up to your face. Mrs. Grover sat still remaining silent at her seat eyeing you with a look of horror and disgust.

Once William left the kitchen, for who knows what reason, she spoke. You were barely listening you still had to process what had just happened. He had kissed you, just on the cheek, but it was still a kiss. He had to be actually serious about what he had told you before than? Right? Had he done that as some sick way of manipulating Mrs. Grover? He wouldn't do that he had told you he didn't want to hurt you any more, though had he meant psychically or emotionally, both?

You finally listened into what Mrs. Grover was saying, 'Y/n, I've known you for a long time. I've always known and one point you'd find a partner or someone you really love and care about.' She took a pause to adjust the collar of her shirt awkwardly. She continued, 'I know when starting out it can be..confusing. I've always thought of it like this, never date someone you don't think would make a good husband.'
You stared at her blankly, sort of starting to understand where she was going with this conversation.

'I'm going to be completely honest here. He has children Y/n, young children, do you really think you can take care of them for him when he leaves for work? Isn't he a little bit of a young man to have children at his age, I've never trusted young people in general who have children. Where'd his wife go, she's never around. Ever wondered why she's broken off with him,' she said.

All this information at once, you hadn't really thought of dating him let alone marrying him. His wife hadn't broken off with him, he had told you this before. She had died in a car crash and before that she had been with other men.

'His wife died in a car crash,' you muttered.

'Ah,' Mrs. Grover sighed coming to the realization of what she'd said. 'Well pardon me.'
'Three children though Y/n, you have to wonder with how much must've been going on in their relationship, does he expect the same from you,' she asked in a very questioning tone.

You turned bright red, a mix of anger, confusion, and being extremely flustered, in an embarrassed way.
You sputtered. 'Could you please stop with all this, it's not like I'm engaged to him!' You yelled. You hadn't ever yelled at Mrs. Grover before, but with all your anger you and how she'd been on your nerves for what felt like forever you let it out. Mrs. Grover looked disturbed and embarrassed though. 'I think I'll go to bed now,' she whimpered. You heard both the anger and the sadness in her voice.

Feeling exhausted and somewhat guilty you sat down on the couch, which was in the living room across from the kitchen. In less than a minute, William joined you. He was grinning , the grin you were used to by now, but before you had thought of it as almost creepy. 'I really didn't expect that from you Y/n,' he said softly.
It didn't take a much thought to know he was talking about your little "outburst" from earlier. 'Why don't you talk to me more openly,' he asked. 'Are you shy~'
You turned blushed for what must've been the eighth time today.
'Wha-No!' You exclaimed, embarrassed.
'Nervous then?,' he chuckled.
You shook your head. Feeling like you were lying just a little bit.

'You must be tired Y/n, it's been a long day,' he beamed.
'Yeah I am a little tired,' you gushed.

'Come here~' he purred.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for 10.1k reads, I couldn't believe it! I know I'm not the best writer and my style needs a lot of improvement, but thank you for all the support, votes, and nice comments! :D
I hope all you guys are doing well and liked this chapter, thank you again! I hope you like the new structure of how I write paragraphs sorry if it's weird!? (Sorry this took me so long to write I was camping and had my mother's birthday)
Word Count: 1546

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