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"Hello, Chicago, thank you for waiting patiently for us!" The audience screams ecstatic, clapping and jumping so hard that I can feel the stage shaking under my feet while Ruby laughs amused seeing their enthusiastic reaction. All the Hardcores are ready: Lzzy, Taylor and Mads hold their instruments while laughing too and Zu waves her drum sticks sitting on her stool. "Yes, I know it's been a hard couple of months... I'm sorry. But we're here, we feel fine and this night is going to be epic, we promise it..." Fans yell and clap while my girlfriend holds the mic and chuckles. "The truth is that we were taking a break... Well, fuck, no: the truth is that we've been in detox, I mean, Madison and I because you know Lzzy and Zu are only addicted to tacos and Taylor prefers to smoke weed but she never loses her composure and her balance on her high heels."

Suddenly, the audience is laughing their asses off while Taylor curtseys to show that her boots with stratospheric heels doesn't stop her from moving swiftly. Ruby turns around puzzled, raising her hands to ask what's happening quietly and realizes that Lzzy has walked closer to the edge of the platform and is talking to Zu, raising her fingers pretending that she's holding a taco and tilting her head slightly like she's eating before pointing at the singer while the drummer shrugs and shakes her head.

"Do you mind? I was trying to talk to our fans..."

"Was that pun intended?" Lzzy asks from her mic. "The taco comment, you know..." The pretty brunette wiggles her eyebrows while Zu crosses her arms over her chest, holding her drumsticks and lowering her head so her long hair hides her face because she's blushing, I'm sure, while the audience claps and cheers again. Ruby looks confused for a second before rolling her eyes hard and shaking her head.

"I was talking about Mexican tacos, what everybody understands when I say the word taco... If I would've wanted to say that you were addicted to eating pussy out, I'd say it clearly, I'm a Hardcore and have no shame, you know it..." Lzzy seems to think about it for a moment and nods satisfied while the singer turns around and heaves a sigh. "Where was I? Oh yes, I'm Ruby Rose and I'm addicted to eating tacos... No, it wasn't that..." The audience laughs hard again when they see Madison pointing at her chest and jumping excitedly while I'm blushing hard on the backstage area. "Yes, Mads, we all know you also love tacos..." The blonde nods and winks at the girls in the front row while they scream and cry. "What I was trying to say is that we're oaky, this tour is going to be epic and we're releasing a new album in a few weeks... Hard Fucking Death Core is not going to break up, do you hear me you assholes from the tabloids?"

"We're going to be a pain in the ass for long time," Mads purrs at her mic and fans cheer again.

"A very talented pain in the ass," Ruby confirms. "But, above all, I want to tell those editors writing for the Daily Fail... that I'm not dead. Can you see me?" The singer waves her hands and jumps on the stage while a powerful light follows her movements. "Those jerks have published that I was dead at least three times... What the fuck? No! And besides, old rockers never die, we keep touring through hell..."

"Ba dum tsss..." The audience laughs again while Ruby turns around and nods.

"Thank you, Zu, that was really helpful." The drummer nods and smiles amused while Vincent checks his watch and frowns standing next to me. "We'd better start playing before our fans get impatient... Chicago, please, meet my new baby..." Ruby gestures at one side of the stage and two techs come running with a guitar while I watch them confused, one of the guys help Ruby to hang it on her shoulder and the other one plugs it in so she can pluck the strings to make sure it works and is tuned. My girl nods and waves goodbye at the tech guys before getting closer to one of the cameramen that's filming the show so the audience can see the smaller details on the big screens.

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