ONE (Iselen POV)

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"Bonjour, madam, did you have a good flight?"

"Yes, thank you, how much time before we get to the hotel?" I ask while flopping down on the backseat of the car, my jeans are so thigh that are putting pressure on spots that make me flinch and my leather jacket rustles every time I move... I don't understand why girls think these are the most comfortable clothes ever nowadays.

"No, madam, we're going to the Stade de France in Saint Denis, located on the outskirts of Paris. The band is doing some sound check before the concert and they've asked me to take you there directly... The Hardcores are very picky when it comes to the sound equipment, tomorrow there'll be 80,000 people gathering in the stadium after all and it's imperative that they all can listen to the songs perfectly..."

The boy keeps talking while I nod quietly and take my phone to send a text to my boss telling her I arrived safely, my fingers shake slightly because I know I'm on my way to my first test... If Ruby doesn't find me "acceptable" she'll tell me to go back to Spain on the first plane available and the truth is that I can't do it, I need this job... going back home could be dangerous. I need to do well, I must cause a good impression... but it'll be difficult. I take the folder from my bag and go over the information again: pictures, magazine clippings, transcripts of TV and radio interviews...

What do you hate the most in this world?

Liars and hypocrites.

Cool, I have to impress Ruby being myself... the problem is that I've never managed to impress anyone before and I don't know how I'm going to do it in front of a rock star. I don't have self-confidence to spare, actually. The members of the Hard Fucking Death Core band stare at me haughtily from the centrefold of one of the magazines: five stunning girls, completely different from each other but together they form a cohesive group tied by strong bonds. They've been friends for long years, they supported each other through hard moments and achieved success working nonstop. They were them against the world... the hard core, the rest of us are only satellites orbiting around, annoying but necessary. It'll be difficult for me to get in, watching their privacy beyond the tough-girls behaviour their fans adore, I want to know their thoughts, their fears and real passions... I don't want to write a stupid weekly article about what they eat, when they sleep and what fan they invite to their beds. I'm not winning a Pulitzer with this but I'm determined to give my boss and our readers a good quality work.

Ruby Rose smirks smugly aware of her own value, she looks right at me from the magazine page with her bright green eyes with grey touches, without hesitation or fear. She's not only the writer and singer, she's the woman who makes love to her electric guitars... It's said that she's the best and her solos are at the level of Jimi Hendrix, Slash, Eric Clapton, Santana or Prince. The artist who has arrived in the reggaeton era to make rock and roll great again... Even her style copies the great classics: tight leather pants, biker boots, tattoos all over her skin, dark eyeshadow, ripped T-shirts and leather jackets, lot of rings and bracelets... But the feature that makes her so special, the reason why her pretty face and clenched jaw are on every cover of magazines and billboards, is her "I don't give a fuck" attitude. Ruby's beautiful because her self-confidence is bigger than her ego, even if it seems impossible. Lesbian and proud, blatant, foul-mouthed, arrogant, smart, talented, short tempered but fascinating... all that and much more packed inside a gorgeous body and a face that could make an angel cry of jealousy: that's the recipe for success.

Madison, the blonde with a mischievous smirk and sweet blue eyes, the joker of the band, always with a cigarette on her lips, she's not as good as Ruby playing guitar but she's unbeatable with a bass and she sings beautifully. But Mads seems to have something against bras because she hardly wears one and never buttons her shirts up, although she has good reasons, I guess... a very toned body and gorgeous tattoos, notably. I'm pretty sure she shares a hairdresser and stylist with Ruby, they wear similar clothes even if Mads prefers a shorter haircut. It's said that she's a sensual demon with girls, warmer and more approachable and casual than the leader of the band.

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