NINE (Iselen POV)

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She fixes her eyes on my back while we get on the plane, some curtains hanging in the middle of the aisle isolates business class and passengers don't know we're here while we sit down but flight attendants smile enthusiastically and they'll ask for autographs later, probably. Ruby flops down on the comfortable seat next to me despite she has more window seats around but I wasn't expecting anything different since she's been monitoring my movements all afternoon, watching me closely, trying to read my thoughts in my face while I was trying to hide it in my hood. I'm not ready for her reaction if she's able to read my eyes... I've been overthinking too much that my head hurts and my stomach turns anxiously... this is going to be a very awkward flight.

I was tempted to run away and go back home when we left the hotel...I felt vertigo because my desire to escape was so strong that I felt dizzy but she must've noticed something was wrong because she leaned her hand on my waist, putting a slight pressure, only letting me feel the heat of her skin. I didn't look at her face because I kept my head low all the time but I let her push me to the van without fighting... I feel I've signed my death warrant somehow. I'm scared and my heel keeps tapping on the floor nervously while the plane slides down the runway till the singer's hand on my knee stops me, she's touching me gently once again but imposing her will on me in a subtle way. Her fingers pull back my hood and brush my hair away from my face while I try to avert my eyes. I don't want to look at her... I refuse to give up... and I'm not stubborn.

"I bet you for a hundred bucks it'll happen tomorrow..." Madison whispers behind me and Taylor snorts.

"You're putting a lot of faith in Ruby's skills... I think it'll take longer..."

"What are you doing?" I ask with curiosity looking back over my shoulder and the seat, happy because I've found an excuse to avoid looking at Ruby and talking to her, but Mads smirks mischievously and shrugs.

"They're making bets on what day we'll fuck..." I open my eyes in shock staring at the singer finally before frowning and pointing at the Hardcores with my index.

"That won't happen... I'm not gay and I'm not interested in... you're going to lose your damned bet..." I growl crossing my arms over my chest while the flight attendant gets closer pushing a cart and handing glasses of champagne.

"Are you sure? I'm better than Mads with a strapon..." The girl clears her throat when hearing the singer before giving her a glass and offering her a chocolate bar that Ruby turns down while my cheeks get red and I shake my head.

"You wish..." I hear the bass player whispering behind me.

"Hey! I'm trying to impress the lady here..." the singer turns her head and looks at her friend angrily while the Hardcores burst into laughing.

"Try harder..." Madison answers amused before asking for a new glass of champagne.

"Do you want a chocolate bar, nuts, saltines...?" the flight attendant asks but I don't have time to open my mouth when Ruby nods.

"Yes, she wants..."

"Sorry, what?" I hiss with fury. I won't allow this woman to give me orders, in a bed or out of it.

"You're having a headache, obviously." Ruby speaks with a calmed tone of voice like I'm a stubborn kid, but I'm not... "Have you eaten today?" I clench my jaw refusing to answer and admitting she's right and maybe my head is killing me because I'm hungry, actually. The singer takes the chocolate bar, opens the wrapping and offers me the treat while I look at her wanting to slap her face, yell at her, kiss her... "Please..." she whispers.

"Wow! I didn't know you were able to say that word..."I growl taking the bar and biting it furiously. Ruby stares at me with squinty eyes for a second before leaning closer to me and whispering.

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