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"What the hell are you talking about?" Ruby asks totally floored and her powerful voice echoes across the room for a second before chaos erupts and all our guests try to reach the garden at the same time, crying and screaming, pushed by police officers armed to the teeth that lead them outside like shepherds would do with scared sheep. Two officers come running followed by three big dogs that start sniffing every corner while we stare at them with our mouths wide open in shock.

"This looks like a Hollywood film..." Taylor whispers while Lzzy gets closer to Mads, pointing at her with her index, angrily.

"This is not funny, if you're responsible for this joke, I'll kick your bass player ass because you've ruined my wedding..."

"What? I have nothing to do with this," the blonde girl complains offended while her sister frowns and turns around suddenly, pointing at Vincent.

"Publicity stunt?" the manager shakes his head frantically, scared, and the bride turns around again to confront the officer. "What the hell is going on here?" The tall guy steps back, taken aback by the Hardcore's aggressive tone of voice, and Zu gets closer forcing a smile to put her arm around her new wife's waist, hugging her tighter against her side and whispering in her ear something about not wanting to spend their wedding night in a cell.

"We got a phone call at the headquarters from an organization called League for the Recovery of Public Morality, or something like that. They told us that there was a bomb in this house to sabotage the wedding of two libertine women that are a danger for young people's mental health because of their inappropriate songs, their gross indecency and the lifestyle against nature..."

"In other words, we show young people that they can think for themselves, finding their own voice, pursuing their dreams, taking advantage of their talent and enjoying life loving whoever they want not matter what other people believe is right... The establishment doesn't like that..." Ruby snorts amused and the Hardcores nod.

"Young people thinking for themselves and choosing freely... what an obscene concept," I answer sighing wearily.

"I think Kurt Cobain had a song about that... self-assured is a dirty word... or something like that." Zu smiles hugging Lzzy who's pouting. "Are you sure this threat is serious? It could be a sick joke. We've got stupid letters and calls before and also had some incidents with crazy fans and haters but making a bomb requires planning and knowledge, I think they're going too far with this..."

"Madam, we have experts in charge of investigating the veracity of these phone calls and, according to the information they gave us, this is serious so please, leave the house while we search the building thoroughly." The officer looks at us with a straight face and we all nod, walking across the lawn towards the tree-lined area where our guests are waiting, talking in whispers and gesturing scared, surrounded by police cars and vans and also the delivery vans of the catering service guys who brought the food and drinks. I think some friends would be happy to say goodbye now but their vehicles are parked behind the house and some officers don't let them get close.

"I'm sorry, baby," the drum player hugs her pretty wife who's still pouting and looks like she's about to cry while Ruby lights a cigarette and smokes nervously. Taylor and Vincent are explaining our guests what's happening and Mads checks something on her phone, shaking her head dismayed.

"These people are fucking crazy," Madison growls angrily tapping on the screen with her index. "The guys from that stupid league for morality, listen: no alcohol or gambling, no pornography, no same sex marriage, no sexual education for teens under the age of 17 in high schools, no contraceptive methods..."

"They want us to go back to the Middle Age," Ruby grumbles. "Can you imagine how many 16-year-old girls would get pregnant because of them?"

"I think they try to stop 16-year-old girls from sleeping with their boyfriends... they don't want them to have boyfriends, probably... Maybe they'd love locking them up in a convent till they get married," I sigh wearily.

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