Chapter 1

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"Ceara!" I hear my older sister call.
"What!" I yell as she walks into my room.
"Im going to the mall, wanna come?"
"No thanks" I say.
"Suit yourself" she says as she closes the door.
I would go, but I rather stay here and draw. Wow, im so lame. My phone buzzes. I look at my phone and I got a text from Charlotte.
*Wanna come over?*
*Plz! Dont leave me here with Jasper!*
*Henry's here😏*
*Uggg! Fine😒*
*Shut up! I'll be on my way*
I close my sketch book and head downstairs. My dads still at work.
"Mom, im going over to Charlottes house"
"Ok, but be back for dinner" I nod my head and leave the house. Charlotte doesn't live far. She lives a couple houses down the street and so does Jasper. Henry lives across from me. I smile thinking about him.
When im outside of Charlottes house I knock on the door. Charlotte opens the door.
"Hey" she says with a smile.
"Hey" I walk in and we head to her room where Henry and Jasper are.
"Hey Ceara" both Henry and Jasper say at the same time.
"So what are you guys doing?" I ask.
"Nothing much. Were just really bored" Henry answers.
"What were you doing at home?" Jasper asks me.
"Oh I was just drawing"
"Pictures of Henry" Charlotte mumbles.
"Haha very funny and for the 100th time I don't like Henry" I say, but I do actually, but i'll never admit that I do especially in front of Henry and I don't care if Charlotte already knew, I'm still never admitting it.
"Sure" she says and rolls her eyes.
An awkward moment of silence happens. I hate those. Then Henry's watch starts beeping. Charlotte and Henry both look at each other.
"Umm we gotta go" Henry says.
"Ya sorry Ceara, sorry Jasper" Charlotte says.
"Its ok, anyways I have to clean my buckets"
"Ya its fine"
Jasper leaves the house and so do I. I see Charlotte and Henry. They look like their in a hurry. I'll ask them tomorrow what was so urgent.
( Henry's pov )
"I feel kind of bad for leaving"
"Ya because you wanted to spend time with Ceara"
"No! I just feel bad because Ceara and Jasper seemed bored to death like us"
"Whatever" Charlotte rolls her eyes.
( Ceara's pov )
As I walk through the door I see my mom.
"That was quick"
"Well Charlotte and Henry had to go somewhere" Before my mom could say anything else I head up to my room. I get my sketch book and continue drawing.

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