Chapter 9

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"What?" I asked shocked.
"I got fired" he looks down at the ground like he's about to cry.
"What! Why?" He looks at me.
"Of me" I interrupt.
"Its not your fault Ceara, its just Ray doesn't think he can trust you because-"
"Of my dad" I interrupt him again.
"Ya, but I tried to get him to give you a chance, but he didn't want to take the risk so he-"
"Fired you" I interrupt him for the third time.
"You sure like to finish my sentences" he says trying to lighten up the mood.
"Ya" I smile trying to help, but his smile fades and so does mine. "Henry I'm so sorry! You should of never told me" I sigh.
"No its not your fault" I know he's just saying that to not make me feel bad.
"Then who's is it?" I ask. He shrugs.
The walk back home was quiet. We didn't say a word to each other, I feel so bad, I know this is all my fault. If I just would of minded my own business then he would still have a job. As we walk up to my door I turn to face Henry.
"I'll meet you at your house. Only if you want"
"Ya sure.... I could use a friend" he says then walks towards his house.
I knock at his door. It opens and its Piper, great.
"What?" She asks.
"Can I come in? I came to see-"
"Your boyfriend? Well he's in his room" she opens the door wider so I can walk in. She closes the door. I turn to face her.
"I'm not his girlfriend"
"Does it look like I care?" I shake my head and she sits on the couch and goes on her phone. I walk up the stairs and knock on Henry's bedroom door.
"Come in" he says. I walk in and I see Henry sitting on the floor with two bottles of chocolate syrup. I walk in and close the door.
"Henry what are you doing?"
"I'm sitting on the floor with two bottle of chocolate syrup"
"Well I know that, but I mean what are you doing on the floor? You should be trying to get your job back!"
"I'll never get my job back, but at least I still got my jazz" he puts on a pair of black sunglasses and grabs a remote and clicks a button. A song plays and its the cup song, but in a jazz version.
"I got my ticket for the long way round" he sings.
"Two bottle of chocolate syrup for the way" he sings holding one of the bottles.
"And I can't believe I got fired today"
"But it was kinda of all your fault" he looks at me. I grab the remote from his hands and turn off the music.
"Henry! I'm so sorry and I know its all my fault, but I'm gonna make it up to you"
"I'm gonna help you get your job back"
"Good luck with that" He says then opens a chocolate syrup bottle, but before he could drink from it I take it from his hands.
"Well your not gonna find anything to help you at the bottom of that bottle"
"I don't know if I don't try"
"And you'll never know if you'll ever get your job back if you don't try"
He sighs. "Ceara, Ray won't give me back my job, trust me. He's really mad at me and its all my fault and kind of yours too" I roll my eyes and pull Henry up and take off his sunglasses and grab him by the arm.
"Where are we going?" He asks.
"To get your job back"
We walk inside Junk n Stuff I press the button that opens the elevator. We walk in and the doors close.
"You don't have to do this. Theres no point" Henry says.
"Yes there-"
"AHHHHH!!" We both yell then hit the ground.
"Oww" I groan and so does Henry. We get up and Ray is standing in front of us.
"What are you two doing here?" He asks. "Do I need to wipe you memories?"
I sigh. "No, but you will listen to what I have to say"
"I'm listening"
"You have to give Henry his job back! Please! Its not his fault he felt bad and was being a good friend and showed me the truth. Its my fault for being curious and wanting answers. You shouldn't of fired him for something thats my fault. Hire him again and erase my memory of this and if you don't trust me because of my dad then wow thats sad because you can't judge me because you don't even know me. I'm actually very trustworthy and I don't have to tell my dad anything and if you think he'll figure out I know something then your wrong because I'm a very good liar when it comes to hiding secrets. So hire Henry and wipe my memory of remembering this, but please just give him his job back"
"Give me a moment to think" I nod my head.
"Thanks" Henry whispers.
"No problem. I hope he'll give you back your job" I whisper.
"Me too"
"Ok" Ray says which scares me a bit. "Henry, you've broken the rule twice and-"
"Actually its once because Charlotte found out on her own" Henry interrupts him.
"Well ya, but then you told her she was right so shhh" Henry rolls his eyes.
"As I was saying" Ray continues. "And I don't know if you will break the rule again"
"I won't, I promise"
"Well you better because next time I'm erasing your memory"
"Next time?" Henry questions.
"Yes.... Your hired again"
Me and Henry both look at each other with big shocked smiles on our faces.
"Oh my god! I told you you'd get your job back!" I yell.
"I know I know, don't need to brag" he says then hugs me.
Oh my god he's hugging me! His hugs are so soft and warm.
"Thanks" he says then stops hugging me.
"No problem"
"As for you" Ray says to me. I gulp. "Your going to NEVER tell anyone about this. Your NEVER going to tell anyone who Captain Man and Kid Danger are and your NEVER going to show anyone the man cave, got it?"
"Yes! I promise, I swear on my life"
"good, or else your memory is being wiped"
( authors note: ok I know Henry gets fired when Charlotte finds out, but lets pretend he didn't because I wanted him to get fired so that could happen😉😋 )

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