Chapter 15

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My eyes open. I looks out the window and its morning. I yawn. I look at the time and its 10. My phone buzzes. Its a text from Henry, I smile.
*me, Charlotte, and Jasper are going to the Swellview fair, wanna come?*
*ya* I text back.
*my mom is driving us, pick u up in 30 mins?*
*ok* I text then get ready.
About 10 minutes later I'm ready. I go downstairs to eat.
"Where are you going?" My mom asks.
"To the Swellview fair with Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper.... Can I go?"
"Yes, but whose driving you?"
"Henry's mom"
"And whose picking you up?"
"his mom" she nods her head. I open the fridge and get milk. Then I get a bowl. I pour the milk in the bowl and then put the cereal in. Then I put back the cereal box and the milk then I get a spoon and start eating.
After I'm done eating I put the bowl and spoon in the sink. Someone knocks on the door.
"I'll get it" I say. I open the door and its Henry.
"You ready?" He asks.
"Ya, but hold on. I need to get my phone and purse" He nods his head and I go upstairs and grab my phone and purse and I come back downstairs.
"Bye mom"
"Bye hun" she says then I leave the house. I see Henry's mom in the car. Charlotte and Jasper aren't in the car so I guess we're picking them up now. I open the car door and sit on the left side in the back and Henry sits next to me. He closes the door and Mrs.Hart starts the car and we leave.
"Hello Ceara" Mrs.Hart says.
We stop in front of Charlottes house.
"I'm gonna go get her" Henry says then leaves the car and walks towards her house. He knocks on her door and Charlotte opens it. I see her wave goodbye to someone inside and then closes the door and walks towards the car with Henry.
She opens the door. "Hey" she smiles.
She sits next to me and Henry sits next to her. He closes the door and we start driving again.
I wish Henry was siting next to me.
We arrive at Jaspers house. Henry gets out and walks up to his door.
Jasper and Henry come back. Jasper sits next to Charlotte and Henry sits in the front next to his mom.
"Ok! Thats everyone" Mrs.Hart says, then we drive off, finally.
The car stops and is parked in a parking lot. "Ok kids, Henry will call me when you guys want to leave" Mrs.Hart says. We all nod our heads and get out of the car. Henrys's mom waves goodbye then drives off. We walk into the fair and look around.
"What should we do first?" I ask.
"How about bumper cars?" Jasper asks. Me, Charlotte, and Henry nod our heads and we go to the bumper cars.
At the bumper cars we wait in line, it isn't a big line.
"So are we gonna each get our own car?" Henry asks.
"Lets do boys against girls instead!" Charlotte says.
"Ya!" I say. Henry and Jasper nod their heads. Its our turn. Charlotte and I get into a red car and Henry and Jasper get into a blue one. A sound goes on and the game begins. Charlotte is driving this car and Henry is driving the other car. Their are some other people playing too, but no to many. The fair isn't so busy today which is a surprise since its a Saturday. Someone bumps into our car. We look behind us and its the boys.
"Lets get them" Charlotte says then turns the car around and chases after them. They start to slow down.
"What are you doing?!" Jasper yells at a Henry.
We bump into them.
"Yes!" Charlotte yells. I laugh.
"Sorry, my foot slipped" Henry says.
After a while I hear the same sound that was heard before the game started so I guess the game is over. We get out of the cars and get off the bumper car floor.
"That was fun" I say.
"Ya" Charlotte adds.
"What next?" Henry asks.
"Lets go on that!" Charlotte points at a roller coaster.
"Ok" I say and Henry and Jasper nod, and we head towards it.
After the roller coaster and a few other rides and some games, we get hungry so we decide to go eat something.
After we eat we think of what ride to go one or what game to play.
"Hey, we didn't go on the ferris wheel yet, wanna go?" Henry suggests.
"Sure" I say.
"Ok" Jasper says.
"Why not" Charlotte says and we head towards the ferris wheel.
After waiting in line it's finally our turn. Henry sits down first and then I sit next to him, but before Charlotte and Jasper could come sit with us a man pulls down the bar.
"wait!" I yell. The man looks at me. "What about my other friends?"
"Two people per seat" he says.
"But there's enough room for four people"
"yes, but its only holds the weight of two people"
"Its ok, me and Jasper will just go together" Charlotte says. I nod my head and the wheel moves a bit for the them to get on. Once Charlotte and Jasper are on, the ferris wheel begins.
Again I'm in that situation where I want to talk to Henry, but I'm to scared i'll say something dumb or chock on my own words.
We go around and around about three times and then it stops.
"What happened?" I ask worried.
"Don't worry, people are just getting off and on"
I look down and no one is getting on or off.
"Henry, no one is getting on or off" I say.
He looks down and looks back at me. "Oh" he says. "Maybe something is broken"
"What?!" I yell. I sigh.
"Are you scared of heights?"
"No. I'm just scared of falling from a high place and dying"
"We won't die and were not gonna fall"
"You never know" I say quietly.
This is my third time on a ferris wheel. The first time I was little and was really scared that I started to cry. The second time it was with my sister and she made me feel better, but this time I'm scared and nervous and I just wanna get off!
"This is my first time on a ferris wheel" Henry says.
"What? Are you serious?"
"Ya.... It's stupid, I know, but I thought maybe this time I wouldn't be scared to try it. I liked it at first, but now I'm a bit scared to be honest"
"Henry, your not stupid for being scared to try something new and its ok to be scared, I'm scared too" he smiles and so do I. The ferris wheel starts again. We both sigh of relief.
"Can you not tell anyone about this being my first time on a ferris wheel and that I was scared"
"I promise"
We get off and so does Charlotte and Jasper.
"The ride broke down for a while" Jasper says.
"Ya, but luckily they fixed it" Henry says. He looks at his phone. "Its three, should I call my mom to pick us up or do you guys wanna stay more?"
"Ya, we can go. We went on everything basically" I say.
"Ok" he says then calls his mom.
( Henry's pov )
After I call my mom we go wait in front of the parking lot. My mom comes and we get in the car.
After we dropped off Jasper, Charlotte, and Ceara we head home.
"Did you go on the ferris wheel?" My mom asks.
"Ya. It was actually pretty cool"
"Thats nice" she says as she parks in the driveway.
( Ceara's pov )
My sister walks into my room. "Mom told me you were at the Swellview fair, how was it?"
"Anything interesting?"
I throw my pillow at her and she smiles. "Shut up and if something did happen I don't have to tell you"
She throws the pillow back at me. "Actually u do because I'm your sister"
"So? Well I wanna know!"
"Nothing happened! We went of the ferris wheel, two people per seat, it was good, but then it broke for a bit and we talked and then it worked again and thats all"
"Talked about what?"
"Don't you have anything better to do?"
She smiles. "Alright alright, don't tell me, but i'll find out soon" she says then leaves.

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