Chapter 12

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Its finally Friday! And then end of spirit week. On Wednesday the theme was 80's and yesterday was nerd. For the 80's I wore a red dress with white spots on it, a pearl necklace, and skin coloured flats. Charlotte didn't dress up for that day, but Jasper and Henry did. Jasper and Henry wore big wigs, it was hilarious. Yesterday I wore ripped jeans, a white tank top with a pink shirt over it that says NERD, pink shoes, hoop earrings, an owl necklace, and of course nerd glasses, fake of course. Charlotte just wore fake glasses, but Jasper and Henry didn't dress up that time. Today is plaid day. So I'm gonna wear a pink plaid shirt, jeans, and black converse.
( at school )
I'm early so none of my friends are here yet. I close my locker. Today were all going out for lunch, except Jasper. His parents didn't let him go out this time. My dad gave me $10 to buy lunch. I see Jasper. He's wearing a blue plaid shirt. I walk towards him.
"Hey Jasper"
"Hey Ceara, your here early"
"Ya" I smile. "Sorry you can't come"
"Its ok" he sighs. "I'm going home for lunch anyways and if I come back a few minutes before lunch ends I can just hang out with Oliver if you guys aren't back yet"
Charlotte then comes. Shes wearing a purple plaid shirt.
"Hey" she says. "Are you still going out for lunch?" She asks.
"Hi and ya, why?"
"No reason" she says which worries me. I see Henry walking towards us. He smiles at me and I smile at him. He's wearing a red plaid shirt. Gosh he looks so cute in plaid.
"Hey, so we all still going out for lunch?"
"Ya" Charlotte says.
"I wish you could come Jasper" Henry says.
"Its ok, i'll live"
I look at Henry and he has a worried look on his face.
"Ceara" Henry says.
"The poem is do today and we aren't even done! Uggg! I thought it was due on Monday" he groans.
I laugh. "Henry, it is due Monday" I laugh.
"Wait, seriously?"
"Ya, she said two weeks, but the due date is Monday"
Henry sighs of relief. "Thank god" he says.
Its finally lunch. To bad Jasper can't come. I get my money and wait for Charlotte and Henry.
"You ready?" Henry says which startles me a bit.
"Ya. How much mo do you have?"
"Ten, how about you?"
Charlotte walks over and shes holding her lunch bag.
"Why do you have that?" I ask.
"Because I didn't bring my money"
"Oh did you forget?" Henry asks.
"Ya" Charlotte says.
"Well we could always lone you some money or split something" I say. Henry nods his head.
"No no no, its fine"
"Then we'll just stay here and buy a lunch from the cafeteria" Henry says and I nod my head.
No no no! You two go ahead, i'll be fine"
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"We don't have to go" Henry adds.
"I'm sure, now go"
"Ok, if you say so" Henry says.
"Umm hey Henry"
"I'll meet you outside in two minutes, ok?"
"Ok" he says then heads outside.
I look at Charlotte. "Whats in there" I ask pointing at her lunch bag.
"My money" she laughs.
"Charlotte!" I yell.
"You'll thank me later"
"But you know I get nervous sometimes and can act very stupid in front of him when its just us together!"
"You'll be fine! Just remember to think before you say, now go!"
"I'm really nervous"
"Just pretend its a date"
"Ummm, no"
"Ok then just, well.... I don't know! Just go and remember to think before you say"
"Ok, but if anything bad happens I'm blaming you"
"You'll thank me later" she says then waves and I head outside.
I walk outside and I see Henry sitting on the grass. He turns his head, looks at me, then gets up.
"Ready to go?" I ask as I walk towards him.
"Yup" he says then we leave.
"Where do you wanna go eat?" I ask.
"I don't. Where ever you want"
"Well you have to like the place too"
"It doesn't matter where go. What matters if we get food"
"How about Tim Hortons?"
We arrive at Tim Hortons. The walk wasn't to long, but it was quite. We didn't really talk much and luckily I took Charlottes advice because I was about to say a lot of stupid things.
The line isn't to big, but its full inside.
"Hello and what would you like today?" A lady asks us.
"I'll have one crispy chicken and no sauce please, but ketchup on the side"
"Ok and anything else?"
"Yes, and one sprite"
"Ok and how about you?" She asks Henry.
"I'll have the same thing"
Once we have our food we look for a place to sit.
"Everything's full" Henry says.
"Ya. Wanna go eat in the park?" I ask.
When we arrive at the park we look for a place to sit.
"How about here?" Henry asks.
Its a picnic table under a tree.
"Its great"
We sit down in front of each other and start eating our food. Its a bit awkward because were not saying anything. I wish Charlotte came, she would of started a good conversation.
"So can you still come over to work on the poem?" He asks.
"Ya" he nods his head and takes a bite out of his burger.
After we finish eating we throw away our garbage. I look at my phone to check the time and we still have thirty minutes.
"How much longer do we have?" Henry asks.
"Do you wanna go back?" He asks.
"Not really, do you?"
"What do you wanna do then?" I ask.
"I don't know. I don't really wanna go anywhere, I like it here in the park. It's quite and really nice outside"
"Then lets stay here" I say then sit on the grass. Henry sits next to me.
"Can I tell you something?" I ask.
"Promise you won't tell anyone?"
"I promise"
"This is my favourite place in the entire world. I love the park, its so peaceful and beautiful. I love drawing the tress here, laying down on the grass while starring at the sky"
"Why don't you want me to tell anyone?"
"Because whenever I need to get away from somewhere or just need to be alone I come here and I don't want people to find me when I don't want to be found. Your the only person i've told. Sorry if I sound stupid"
"You don't. I think its great actually" his words make me smile. I lay down on the grass and stare at the sky and watch the clouds move. Henry lays down next to me. I look at him. He's a lot closer then he was when we were sitting up, but I don't mind it.
Henry looks at me. "What?"
"Nothing" I say then look back up.
"The spring dance is next week, who are you planning on asking out?" I blurt out.
"I don't know"
"Anyone you might wanna ask out?"
"Not sure, why?"
"Just wondering"
"How about you?" He asks me.
"No one"
I check the time and we have fifteen minutes to get back. I get up and so does Henry. His hand goes on top of mine. I look down and he moves it quickly away.
"S-sorry, it was an accident" I look at his face and its a bit red.
"Its ok" OH MY GOD did that just happen?! Its like time just froze. I wish I could freeze that moment.
We get up and walk back to school.
We arrive back and there are five minutes left.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Henry says.
Someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and its Charlotte.
"so.... How did it go?"
"Its was good"
"Anything I should know?"
I smile.
"Tell me" she demands.
"So we were at the park and long story short his hand touched mine and it was really cute because his face turned red a bit"
"Aww! I bet he likes you"
"Just because he accidentally touched my hand and had a red face? No"
"Well for a fact I know you do and he does too. Anything else?"
"I took your advice and I also found out he isn't planning on asking anyone to the dance and doesn't have anyone in mind to go to the dance with"
"Great! Now i'll have to get him to ask you"
"Good luck"

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