Chapter 17

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( the next day )


Before Tessa and I enter the car I stop.

"you gonna get in?" she asks.

"umm.... well, its just I thought maybe I could.... walk"

"walk? umm.... why?"

"well not alone, but with.... Henry"

she smiles and rolls her eyes. "did he leave yet?"


"how do you know?"

"umm, its just I know about what time he.... leaves"

"oh my gosh! you stocker"

"no! I just.... observe"

"sure..., but if you really want to then go ahead"

I nod my head and she waves goodbye then enters the car and drives off.

I breath in, then out. you can do this Ceara, you can do this.

I walk towards his house, but before I could knock on the door it opens.

"NO! I'm not walking with her and that's final!" I hear Henry yell then he shuts the door. he sees me and raises a brow. "yes?"

"do you wanna walk together to school?" I ask.

"sure" he smiles and we start walking to school.

"what was that all about? you know, back there at your house?" I ask out of curiosity.

"oh, that was just me and my parents arguing about who gets to take Piper to school and I definitely don't want to"

"I wouldn't want to either to be honest" I admit.

"and to be honest, I don't think anyone wants to"


Once we arrive at school, Charlotte walks towards us.

"Hey, where's Jasper?" I ask.

"I don't know" she answers and Henry shrugs his shoulders.

"So.... The dance is this Friday, are you gonna ask anyone?" Charlotte asks Henry.

"Ya" he answers.

"Oh my god who?!" I yell.

"He looks over at Bianca and back at Charlotte and I. "I'm gonna ask Bianca"

"Charlotte's mouth drops and so does mine. "Really? Her! No no no Henry, you gotta ask Ceara" Charlotte says.

"Charlotte, he doesn't like me and I don't like him so please stop, honestly its so annoying" I say.

"Ok ok, gosh. I'll stop" she responds

I look at Henry and he's walking to Bianca.

"You ok?" Charlotte asks.

"Ya, but it hurts" I admit.

She gives me a hug. "Don't worry, things will work out"

I sigh and look over at Henry. I see Bianca smile and nod her head then Henry walks towards us.

"So?" I ask.

"I got a date" he smirks

"Congrats" I say and fake smile....

( Authors note: sorry I haven't update, its just I was busy and kinda forgot about wattpad😅, but I'll update more often now since summer is near😌 )

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