Chapter 14

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I get ready for Henry's surprise party at 2. I check the time and its 12.
My phone buzzes. I got a text from Charlotte.
*you coming soon*
*ya, just hold on I'm getting ready*
*dont forget his present😉🎁*
Shoot! I forgot to get him a present.
*ok* I text back then look in the mirror one last time, put my phone in my pocket, and head downstairs.
"Oh you look beautiful!" My mon says.
"Ya you look great!" My sister adds.
"Thanks, but I forgot to get Henry a gift"
"Well thats ok. You can just give him a card and give him twenty dollars" my mom says.
"Oh ok"
"I'll go look for a card you can use" My mom says. I nod my head and she goes looking for one.
"I'll get you a pen" Tessa says.
My dad walks into the room. "You look nice"
"Where are you going again?" He asks.
"To Henry's surprise party"
"Oh! Who? Sorry I forget"
I take out my phone and show my dad a picture of Henry. I show him my favourite selfie we took together.
"Oh! That Henry"
He takes out his phone and looks at something and then takes a picture of the photo on my phone.
"Oh sorry, is that ok?"
"Ya, but why?" I ask confused.
"Just for work honey. Your friend reminds me of Kid Danger, anything suspicious about him?" He questions.
"No. Nothing, he's not suspicious at all"
"Ok, but I'm keeping this picture on my phone. I'm not saying your friend is a suspect, its just I need this"
"I know, but don't go spying on him"
"I promise"
My mon and Tessa come back in the room. I put away my phone and Tessa gives me the pen. My mom gives me the card. The card says Happy Birthday and inside there is some writing that says Hope your day is full of love and joy. I write in it.
ᕼᗩᑭᑭY ᗷIᖇTᕼᗪᗩY ᕼEᑎᖇY! ᖴᖇOᗰ ᑕEᗩᖇᗩ:)
My mon gives me twenty dollars and I put it inside the card. She then gives me an envelope and I put the card in and then seal the envelope.
"Do you need a lift?" Tessa asks.
"No, its at Henry's house. Oliver took him out for a few hours so we can get everything ready"
"Oh ok, well bye"
"Bye" I leave the house and walk across the street to Henry's house.
I knock on the door. Charlotte opens it.
"Great, come in"
I walk in and she closes the door.
"You look great"
"Thanks. Are his parents here or his sister?" I ask.
"His parents are getting the food ready and Piper is upstairs. She said she'll only come for the surprise part and cake"
"You can help set up the last few decorations" Charlotte says.
I nod my head and go help.
There are quite a few people here. Me, Charlotte Jasper, Oliver who is with Henry, Chloe, Debbie, and a lot more people from school. I look around the room a bit more and I see Bianca, great. I don't have a problem with her its just what I heard in the washroom. I'll be a lot more fond of her after the spring Dance.
"Ok everyone! Henry will be here soon, places!" Charlotte yells. I see piper coming down the stairs and hides behind the couch. Jasper turns off the lights and everyone hides. I hide behind the couch too and Charlotte joins me. Jasper is standing next to the lights.
The door opens. Henry and Oliver walk in. Henry closes the door and Jasper turns on the lights.
Everyone, including me jumps up. "SURPRISE!" We all yell. Piper takes a picture of Henry's face, he is so surprised. "Happy Birthday!" We all yell. Music starts playing, its Uptown Funk. Everyone walks over to Henry and starts talking to him.
"Wow thanks everyone, you all really surprised me" he says.
Its been an hour into the party. Everyone seems to be having a good time.
"Charlotte knows how to throw a good surprise party"
I look beside me and its Henry. "Happy Birthday" I say then give him the envelope.
"Thanks" he says then hugs me and I hug him back.
"Sorry its just money, I forgot to get a present and I did have anymore time"
"Its ok, I like money"
( Henry's pov )
She smiles.
Ceara looks really pretty, should I tell her that? Or would that make things awkward again. Nah, I better just keep my mouth shut.
( Ceara's pov )
"Cake time!" Henry's mom yells.
Everyone gathers around the table where a cake sits. It has blue frosting and its says Happy Birthday Henry in red frosting. His dad puts two candles on the cake. The first candle is a 1 and the second one is a 5, 15 for his fifteenth birthday. He then lights up the candles and the lights go off.
"Happy birthday to you" everyone starts to sing.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!"
"Are you one?" We start to sing again.
"Are you two? Are you three? Are you four? Are you five? Are you six? Are you seven? Are you eight? Are you nine? Are you ten? Are you eleven? Are you twelve? Are you thirteen? Are you fourteen? Are you fifteen?"
"Stop!" Henry yells.
"Make a wish!" Chloe yells.
Henry thinks and then blows out the candles. The lights go back on and everyone cheers and claps. Mrs.Hart starts to cut the cake and Mr.Hart hands it out. I get my piece of cake and taste it. Yum, vanilla.
People start to leave to that means the party's over. I stay to help clean up.
After everyones gone and everythings clean I walk towards Henry to say goodbye.
I tap him on the shoulder and he turns around. "Bye"
"Bye Ceara, thanks for coming and thanks for helping with the clean up"
"No problem" I say then leave.

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