Chapter 19

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( a few days later )


It's finally Friday and also the day of th dance. I got a pink short dress picked out and it's really pretty.


When  school ends I rush home to get ready because my sister needs to do my hair and put some makeup on and it takes a while.


When shes finally done I look in the mirror and gasp. "Thank you so much!"

"No problem" she smiles.

I look at the time and I have half an hour left so I go put on my dress and Tessa helps me.


After I put it on I hear Tessa gasp. "What? Does it look bad?" I ask.

"Go look in the mirror" she says and I nod my head. I look in the mirror and no words can describe what I looked like, but somehow I found them. "Oh my god! I look so good!"

"Ya, you do and Henry will be sad he didn't pick you to be his date" I laugh, but punch her very lightly. She rolls her eyes. "Let me take a picture of you"



It's time to leave so I wait for Charlotte and Jasper.


Five minutes later they come and my sister drives us.


When we get there we head inside.

"Looks nice" Charlotte says.

I nod my head.

"I'm gonna go get a drink" Jasper says.

I look around and spot Henry, but not with Bianca.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat" says Charlotte. "Wanna come?"

"Not thanks" I say and she leaves.

I start walking towards him. He looks upset, I wonder why.

"Hey" I say.

He sighs. "Hey"

"Why are you sitting here all alone?"

"No reason" he says so there's obviously a reason.

"Are you ok?"


"Where's Bianca?"

He doesn't say anything.

I sit next to him. "Henry, you can tell me"

"She dumped me for some other guy"

His words shock me and I feel so bad for him, but then again.... I feel kind of happy too.

"Oh my god Henry, I'm so sorry"

"It's fine. I didn't even like her that much"

"So why are you so upset then?"

"Because she just dumped me and it hurts. Plus, I thought she liked me too, but I guess she was just using me...."

"Hey, don't think about it. She's not worth it. Come on" I get up and he gives me a confused look. "Well, are you gonna come dance or not?"

"I'm not a good dancer"

"Same here"

He smiles. "Ok, fine" he says then gets up.

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