Chapter 18

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( a few hours later )


Charlotte and I sit at our regular lunch table.

"Where's Henry?" I ask.

She looks around and points at a table. "Over there. With Bianca...." She looks at me. "Maybe you should of told him how you felt because he likes you"

"If he DID like me, well its too late now...."

"No, I bet he's just liking her because he doesn't know that you like him so he's covering up his feelings for you" she tells me.


"I only speak the truth"

"Lies" I repeat.

"No, I'm not even kidding. He likes you. Why on Earth would I lie to you about this?"

"I know you wouldn't lie to me about this, but did he tell you that he likes me?"

"No, but-"

"Exactly" I interrupt her.

She sighs. "Ceara, I may not have been told by him, but I know for a fact that he has some sort of feelings for you"

"Those feelings aren't real and the only feelings he would have for me is as a friend"

Before Charlotte could say anything else, Henry sits beside her.

"Hey" he says. I don't say anything and nither does Charlotte. "did I say something wrong?" He asks.

I shake my head and so does Charlotte.

"Then why aren't you two talking to me"

I look at Charlotte. "Because were tired" she lies. Henry looks at me with a strange look and I nod my head.

( a few hours later )


When I arrive home I go upstairs, go into my room, slam the door shut, throw my bag on the floor, and lay down in my bed and I grab my pillow and scream into it. I hear someone come up the stairs and it's obviously my sister because shes the only one home besides me.

She opens the door. "Are you ok?" She asks me.

"Ya" I lie.

"Are you sure? Because it doesn't seem like it"

"Ok, maybe I'm not ok"

"Well, whats wrong?"



I sigh.

She sits on my bed. "What happened?"

"He asked this girl named Bianca to the dance on Friday and she said yes so they obviously like each other and will date"

She gasps. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry"

"Its fine, I'll get over him"

"That might take some time"

"Not helping!" I groan.

"Sorry, but I thought he liked you"

"Sometimes I thought the same thing, but why would he ever like me? I'm stuck in the friend zone"

"Well then get out of it!" She yells.

"I can't anymore...."

"Listen, I am gonna be totally honest here, ok? Ok. I don't know what to say anymore, but all I can tell you is don't give up and keep trying. Trust me, its all gonna work out"

"Thanks, I guess"

She smiles. "Hey, wanna go get some food and eat it in the park?"

"Sure" I say then we leave.

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