Chapter 6

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The next day, Tessa and I wake up around 9.00 and start getting ready to go to the beach around 9.30. I put on a pink bikini and over it I wear a plain white t-shirt, dark blue shorts, a lemon necklace, black sandals, and a hat to finish the look. I then go brush my teeth and then I brush my hair and put it in a side ponytail. Then I go downstairs and eat cereal with milk.
Around 10:00 we head off to the beach.
"Wanna walk?" Tessa asks.
"Why? We'll get there faster if we take the car"
"Ya, but its really nice today"
"Alright then. Lets walk"
As we get closer to the beach I can smell the ocean. I start to see the sand. Looks like were here. It wasn't a long walk, but I assume its 10:20. If we took the car we would of been here 10 minutes ago. Oh well, at least it was a nice walk.
"Do you want to get ice cream?" Tessa asks.
"Sure, but how about you go get it and i'll find us a spot to sit"
"Ok" she answers. "What flavour do you want?"
"Vanilla" she nods her head and leaves.
I look around the beach for a spot to sit. Its not too crowded, but their are a lot of people.
After a minute or two I find a spot to sit. I see Tessa looking around for me and I wave my hand in the air so she sees me and she does.
"Is this spot ok?" I ask.
"Ya" she answers and gives me my ice cream. We put our towels on the sand and finish our ice cream. I then take up my shoes, hat, shorts, t-shirt, and necklace and put it in a beach bag that Tessa brought. She then takes off her t-shirt, shorts, and shoes. Shes wearing a pretty blue bikini similar to mine.
"Wanna go for a swim?" I ask.
"Maybe later, I wanna get a tan" she answers then lays down on the towel and puts on a pair of sunglasses.
I walk towards the water. I look at the water. Its so beautiful. Something cold touches my feet. It gives me chills. I look down and its the water. I walk into the water. At first its cold, but then it becomes warmer. I turn around and see someone one. Is that. No, it can't be! The person turns around and its Charlotte. Maybe her plans changed. I decide to go up to her, but then I see Henry with her. Are they together? Maybe both of their plans changed, but why would they go together and not even bother asking me to come. Wait. Are they.... Dating? The thought of them dating hurts. If they are why wouldn't they tell me. Does Jasper know? Are they even dating?! This is so confusing. I start walking towards them.
I tap Charlotte on the shoulder. She turns around and so does Henry. They look surprised.
"Oh hey Ceara" Charlotte says.
"Hey" I say. "What are you two doing here? I thought you two were busy" I ask.
They both look at each other with worried looks.
"Well umm" Henry says.
"Well? Are you gonna tell me or are you gonna lie to me, again"
"Again?" Henry says.
"Ya. Ever since this year you two have been acting a bit different lately. You both need to go somewhere when Henry's watch beeps and you two are 'busy' at the same time."
They look at each other then back at me.
"Are you two secretly dating?" I ask.
"What? No!" They both say.
"Then why do you both have to go when his watch beeps and why are you two here? Why did you lie to me?"
"We wanna tell you, but"
"But what?" I interrupt Charlotte.
Henry sighs. "But we just can't" he says. I roll my eyes and shake my head.
"When you two wanna tell me the truth, then come talk to me" I say and start walking away.
"Ceara wait!" Henry yells. I turn around and look at him.
"Save it, I don't wanna hear it" I say then walk away and don't look back. I start walking towards Tessa.
"Tessa" I call.
"Ya?" She looks at me.
"Is it ok if we go home now?" I ask
"Umm, but why?" She asks.
"Please, I can't be here right now"
"Ok" she says then she gives me my clothes. I get dressed and so does she. We then take our towels and leave.

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