Chapter 4

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The walk to Henry's house isn't long, but its awkward because we barely said anything to each other. When I walk into his house I put my bag on his couch and so does he.
"Im gonna go to the washroom, I'll be right back" he says then leaves.
Someone opens the door and then shuts it closed. Its Piper.
"What are you doing here?" She asks me.
"Me and Henry are working on our English assignment for school"
"Are you two dating?" She asks me.
"No, why would you think that?" I ask.
"Because you two are always together"
"With Charlotte and Jasper"
"Their not here"
"Ya well because it's mine and Henrys assignment"
"Whatever" she rolls her eyes.
Piper checks her phone then her eyes widen. She gasps.
"OH MY GOD!" She yells.
"What?" I ask.
"Someone just commented on my instagram photo of Kid danger and said he's ugly! This person's gonna pay" she says then frowns and sits down on the couch.
Henry walks in the room.
"Hey Piper" he says in a Piper like voice. Its so funny when he imitates her.
"What?" She yells.
"Is mom or dad home?" He asks.
"Does it look like their home? No! So stop bothering me!" She yells then goes upstairs.
"Why is she mad this time?" He asks me.
"Oh, someone just commented on one of her instagram pictures of Kid danger saying Kid Danger is ugly" I tell him. "Shes like obsessed with him"
"Ya, obsessed over me"
"What did you say?" I ask him. It was kind of hard to hear what he said. He said it quietly.
"Oh, umm I said ya, shes really obsessed"
I think I heard him say she's obsessed with him, but I guess I just imagined it.
"So, what should our poem be on?" He asks me.
"Umm.... I don't know?" I answer.
My phone buzzes. I take it out of my bag and its Charlotte.
*Hey! Have u made out with Henry yet?😏*
*eww, no! And im not going to*
*ik i was jk😂*
*so what r u 2 doing there?"
*Deciding what the poem should be on. Gtg ttyl bye😘*
*kk bye❤️*
I put my phone back in my bag.
"Was that Charlotte?" Henry asks me.
"Ya, how did you know?"
"I don't know? It was just a guess, wow I'm surprised that I knew who it was, but at the same time not really"
We laugh.
His laugh is so adorable! It gives me butterflies.
"So any ideas yet?" I ask.
"Umm. How about a pencil"
"A pencil?"
"Ummm" is all I manage to say.
"Its an easy A and plus he never said it had to be something interesting"
"Good point. Ya I guess we can do a pencil"
"Ok ok, so how about it taste bad, it looks bad, but it works well" Henry says.
"What the heck?" I laugh.
"I don't know?" He laughs.
My phone buzzes. I take it out of my bag and its my mom.
*you coming home soon?*
I look at the time.
*ya, sry i'll be on my way now*
*its ok😉 its not your fault you last track of time looking into Henry's eyes*
*sorry😂 i'll stop*
I put,my phone back into my bag. Gosh, sometimes I wish I never told her I like Henry.
"Who was that this time?" Henry asks me.
"It was my mom. I gotta go, see you tomorrow" I say and then grab my bag.
Henry stands up and so do I. We have walk to the the door and He opens it.
"Bye" I say.
"Bye" he says. Then closes the door.
I wish I stayed a bit longer. We were having a lot of fun to be honest. I sigh.
I cross the street to my house. I walk on the driveway then go up some steps that lead to the door. I open the door. I walk in, close the door, them head upstairs. I walk into my room and put my bag on the floor. I lay down in my bed and stare at the ceiling. I yawn. My eyes start closing, and closing, and closing.... And then they close.

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