Chapter 11

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( the next day )
Todays the first day of spirit week. The first theme is cat so I put on my cat sweater, a white skirt, and plain black flats.
"Bye" Tessa says then leaves.
I walk to my locker, but before I could open it Charlotte walks in front of me.
"Hey" she says. Shes wearing all black and has some cat ears on
"You look nice"
"Thanks, but your the better cat here"
I open my locker and put away my bag and get my things i'll need. Oh, I almost forgot my sketch book. I take my sketch book and I close my locker. I see Henry and Jasper. Jasper is wearing a black shirt, cat ears, and painted on some cat whiskers. Henry is just wearing cat ears, he looks so cute.
Charlotte elbows me in the arm. "What do you think of Henry" she raises an eyebrow. "Isn't he just perr-fect"
"Oh shut up"
We walk towards them.
"Hey" Charlotte and I both say.
"Hey Ceara, hey Charlotte" Jasper says. Henry smiles.
"Wow Henry.... Your obviously the best looking cat in the entire school" Charlotte says sarcastically.
"Thanks" he responds.
"I was being sarcastic"
"I know"
The bell rings and we head to class.
After the national anthem and the attendance, the announcements come on.
"Good morning! Today is the first day of spirit week. Todays theme is cat. Tomorrows spirit day is 80's! Dress up like your from the 80's. Also, the spring dance is next week! Tickets will be on sale next week and more details about the dance are yet to come"
After the announcements class starts. I open my sketch book snd start drawing.
I stop drawing and close my sketch book. I raise my hand.
"Yes?" The teacher asks.
"May I go to the bathroom?" I ask.
"Yes, but hurry" I nod my head and leave the room.
I walk in the bath room and look in the mirror. I fix my hair and stare at myself. I hear someone or people coming. I go into one of the stalls and lock the door.
"So, who do you wanna go with to the dance?" A girls asks that sounds like Chloe.
"I don't. How about you Bianca?" Another girl asks. She sounds like Debbie.
"Not really sure, but...."
"But what?!" Chloe and Debbie yell.
"Well I kind of think Henry is cute, but I'm not asking him"
"What if he asks you?" A Chloe asks.
"I guess I would say yes"
I'm shocked. Oh my god.... I hope Henry doesn't ask her.
"Lets go" Bianca says then the three girls leave.
I unlock the door and walk out. I look at myself one last time before I leave.
( Henry's pov )
Ceara's sketch book is there. Right there! Out in the open, I wonder what she was drawing this time. Maybe if I, no Henry! Its not yours and its non of your business.... But.... uggg! I need to know!
I look over at the teacher to see if he's looking. Nope. I reach over to take it, but before I could someone walks in the room. I quickly take my hand away and turn to see who it is. Its Ceara. Great timing, great timing.
( Ceara's pov )
I sit down at my desk.
Should I tell Henry what I heard? No, I don't want to take any chances of him asking her, but I will tell Charlotte.
I open my sketch book and continue to draw.
At lunch I look for Charlotte. I can't find her anywhere so I go to her locker.
When I get to her locker I find Charlotte there.
"Charlotte" I yell.
She closes her locker. "Ya?"
"I need to tell you something important!"
"Oh my god! Henry asked you out!"
"No! I heard something"
"Heard what?"
"When I went to the bathroom during math class I over heard Bianca, Chloe, and Debbie talking about the dance. Chloe then asked-"
"Ok long story short?" Charlotte interrupts me.
"Bianca thinks Henrys cute and if he asked her to the dance she would say yes"
"What?! He better not ask her, he has to ask you!"
"He won't ask me Charlotte! We're just friends and maybe he will ask Bianca, oh well. She is pretty and a great person, so why wouldn't he like her?"
"Same with you! Your beautiful and an amazing person so why wouldn't Henry like you?"
"Because he-"
"Hey guys" someone says. I turn around and its Oliver.
"Hey Oliver"
"Oliver, nows not the time" Charlotte says in a rude voice.
"Oh ok, well bye" Oliver says then leaves.
I look at Charlotte. "What?" She asks.
"Nothing" I shake my head.
"Continue" Charlotte says.
"Because he just doesn't like me. For example, you and Jasper"
Charlotte gives me a disgusted look. "Jaspers a nice guy and all, but he's not my type and I'm not hid type" she says.
"Same with me and Henry. Except Henrys my type, but I'm not his. Were just friends so please stop before he gets really annoyed"
"Whatever, but I can't promise anything, but i'll tone it down a bit"
"Thanks, I guess"
We head off to the lunch room.
Charlotte sits down in front of Henry and I sit down next to her. Jasper is sitting in front of me.
"Do you all wanna go out for lunch on Friday?" Henry asks. We all nod our heads.
"I'll ask my parents and tell you if I can or not" Jasper says.
"Me too" I say.
"Me three" Charlotte adds. Henry nods his head.
When I get home I see my mom sitting on the couch.
"Yes Ceara?"
"Can I go out for lunch on Friday with Charlotte, Henry, and Jasper?"
I go up to my room and start my homework.

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