Chapter 7

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"Do you wanna tell me why you wanted to leave?" Tessa ask me.
"I'm just not feeling good"
"Your lying"
"No I'm not"
"Yes you are!" She yells. "I'm not stupid Ceara. I can tell when your lying"
"Well I'm not"
"Yes you are! I've known you my entire life basically! Now tell me the truth or I'm going back to the beach" She says then stops walking. I turn and look at her, I sigh.
"You wanna know why I wanted to leave? Well it's because I can't be there knowing two of my best friends are lying to my face!"
"What?" She gives me a confused look.
"Charlotte and Henry said they were busy this weekend and couldn't hang out and then I saw them at the beach and I asked what they were doing here because they said they were both busy and guess what, they don't even bother telling me why they lied about being 'busy'. All they did this entire year was lie to me! They even lied to Jasper and I don't know if it's because they don't trust us or whatever, but its really pissing me off and I couldn't be there another second or I would of smacked someone!" I scream.
"Ceara, maybe they will tell you soon. You just have to be patient"
"But thats the problem! I've been waiting for them to tell me why their always 'busy' and where they go when Henry's watch beeps"
"Henry's watch beeps? Well don't all watches beep?" She ask.
"Well ya, but they always have to go somewhere when it does" I answer.
"Don't worry, they'll tell you sooner or later and hey, you have bigger things to stress over"
"School.... And asking Henry out because it seems like he's to shy to ask you!" I roll my eyes and sigh.
"For the 1000th time he doesn't like me"
"Sure.... Whatever you say" we both smile and start walking towards home.
When we arrive home, I go to my room.
"Ceara!" I hear Tessa call. "Do you want anything to eat?" Tessa asks me.
"No thanks" I answer.
I lie down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. Will Charlotte and Henry ever tell me? Did they already tell Jasper? Uggg this is so annoying. Why can't they just tell me, like I'm their friend. Shouldn't I know? Don't they trust me? I sigh. I hear a knock at the door downstairs. Someone comes up the stairs and knocks on my door.
"Come in" I say. Its Henry. I wanna smile because its him, but I have to remember I'm mad at him. He closes the door. I sit up and he sits on the edge of my bed.
"Where's Charlotte?" I ask.
"Her mom called her and she had to go home" he tells me. I nod my head.
"Are you still mad at me and Charlotte?" He asks. What a stupid question, of course I am!
"Ya" I answer.
"Listen Ceara, I'm really sorry and so is Charlotte"
"Why are you two lying to me? This entire year you've both been acting strange, like when ever your watch beeps you both have to go somewhere and you two are always 'busy' and then you even bother lying to me and even Jasper!" He sighs.
"I know and I'm really sorry. I would tell you and I really want to, but"
"But you just can't, I know" I interrupt him. He sighs.
"If I tell you the truth, promise me you won't tell anyone" He asks.
"Yes! I promise"
"Ok, but you won't believe me if I tell you so I'm gonna show you instead, ok?"
I nod my head. "Ok"
( Henry's pov )
"Can I use the washroom before we go?" I ask.
"Sure" she says.
I open the door then go into the washroom. I lock the door. I don't need to go, but I wanna text Charlotte telling her that I'm gonna tell Ceara the truth.
*im telling Ceara the truth. Im showing here the man cave and telling her im Kid Danger*
*what?!😱 y?*
*bc i feel bad and so do u! She was gonna find out sooner or later anyways*
*uggg fine! Just dont blow it for u bc remember Cearas dad needs to find out who Kid Danger and Captain Man really are😬*
*I know, but she promised, we can trust her😉*
*ok. Wat eves. Good luck🍀*
I flush the toilet so Ceara will think I actually went to the washroom. I unlock the door and walk back to Ceara's room.
( Ceara's pov )
Henry walks back into the room.
"Ready to go?" He ask.
"Ya" I answer and we leave.

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