Chapter 13

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( Henry's pov )
"Hey Hen"
"How was lunch?"
"It was ok, I guess"
"Ok? What happened?"
"Nothing it was just quit. We didn't really talk much"
"Thats weird, its never quite when Charlotte is around"
"Charlotte didn't come"
"Because she forgot her money"
( after school )
( Ceara's pov )
After school I sit outside on a bench waiting for Henry. Jasper and Charlotte walk towards me.
"Hey" Charlotte says.
"So what are you getting Henry?" Charlotte asks me.
"For what?" I ask.
"For his birthday tomorrow!" She yells.
"What?! It's tomorrow! Uggg I completely forgot"
"Its ok, just get something today and don't tell Henry about his surprise party"
"Ok and I won't"
I see Henry walking this way.
"Ready to go?"
"Ya, see you later, bye"
"Bye" Charlotte and Jasper both say then me and Henry leave.
Were on our street. Henry stops. I look at him.
"We shouldn't go to my house"
"Because Piper is having her Kid Danger fan club meeting today in my house"
"Wait wait wait. So your sister has a crush on you, right?"
"Ya" he says quietly.
"Well we can just go to my house"
"You sure?"
"Ya, its no big deal, come on"
Henry nods and we head to my house.
We walk inside my house and no ones home yet. We go upstairs and into my room. We take off our bags and sit on the floor and start working on the poem.
Its been an hour and we haven't said much to each other, but we kind of talked because we needed to because of the poem.
"Are things going to be awkward between us now or were they always like this?" Henry asks.
I shrug. "I don't know"
"Is it what happened at the park because-"
"Things were like this before the park" I interrupt him."
"Oh.... I guess Charlotte just put us in an awkward situation"
"Ya. Lets forget what happened and have things go back to normal"
"Ok" he says then we continue with the poem.
Another hour passed and its been a lot better. We talked much more and it wasn't awkward anymore.
I hear something coming from downstairs.
Thats strange, I didn't hear anyone park into the driveway or hear the door open. I get up and look out the window. Nope, no car in the driveway. I sit back down.
"Whats wrong? You look worried"
"Henry, did you hear anyone open the door or park in the driveway?"
"No, why?"
"No reas-"
I'm interrupted by a noise. The same noise I heard a minute ago.
"What was that?" Henry whispers.
"I don't know, but I'm scared"
I hear the noise again.
Oh my god are we gonna die?! This can't be happening. Calm down Ceara.
I hear someone creeping up the stairs.
I feel the tears in my eyes. Henry looks at me.
"Don't cry" he whispers. He gets up and tip toes to me then sits down next to me.
I heard the same noise, but only this time it got a bit louder.
A tear rolls down my cheek. I wipe it away quickly, but Henry saw it.
He puts his arm around me. "Its ok, we'll be ok" he whispers. His arm around me calms me down a bit, but I'm still scared.
This time it was really loud. I gasp. I hug Henry and hide my face in his shoulder. I'm so scared I don't even know what I'm doing.
"Its ok" he says then hugs me back. I stop hugging him and he stops hugging me too, but his arm is still around me. I hear someone walking towards my bedroom door. They get closer and closer and soon the noises stop, but then someone starts to slowly open the door. As it opens someone jumps in and screams.
"Your gonna die!!" The person screams.
I scream and so does Henry and I hide my face in his shoulder again.
I hear someone laughing, a laugh i'v heard before, Tessa.
I stop hugging Henry and look at the person. Its Tessa.
"Got ya" she laughs.
"Tessa! You scared me to death!" I yell. Henry sighs of relief.
"But it was funny"
"No it wasn't!"
"You should of seen the looks on your faces, priceless" she yells. "It was also cute how you hid your face in his shoulder and how he still has his arm around you" she says then Henry takes his arm off me which sucks.
"How did you get here without your car?"
"A friend dropped me off a block away because I was planning this since Monday"
"Wow" I say and roll my eyes.
"How did you come in the house so quietly?" Henry asks.
"I have my ways" she smiles. "Sorry, but it was funny" she says then closes the door and goes downstairs
"Done!" I yell, Were finally done.
"Yes!" Henry yells.
"Finally, this poem was so annoying"
"I know right"
Henry looks at his phone and then looks at me. "I gotta go, see you later"
"Ok, bye"
"Bye" he says. He gets up, takes his bag, then leaves.
Someone walks upstairs. Its Tessa. "You two are too cute" she says with a big smile.
"Thanks, but he doesn't like me"
"Then why was his arm still around you? Why was it around you at all?"
"Because I was scared and maybe he just forget"
"Sure.... Forgot" she says sarcastically.

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