Chapter 2

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I know you lie, your lips are moving. I hum. I love this song so much. While I hum to Lips Are Moving I realize i've been drawing lips. I smile. I hear a knock at the door. I take off my head phones and close my sketch book.
"Come in" its Tessa.
"Hey" she says with a smile.
"So.... What did you do?"
"I went to Charlottes house and hung out with her, Jasper, and Henry"
"Oh, Henry" she smirks. I roll my eyes.
"But it wasn't for long because Henry and Charlotte had to go somewhere"
"Where" she asks.
"I don't know, but i'll ask tomorrow at school"
"Ok. Anyways I got you something. I think you'll like it and I bet Henry will too"
"Even if I were wearing the prettiest thing ever he still wouldn't like me"
"I didn't say it was gonna make him like you, I said he'll like it" she giggles. "Your gonna wear this tomorrow, ok?"
"Ok". She pulls out a plain white knitted sweater, a black skirt, and a pair of black flats.
"Wow" I say. "This looks so pretty! Oh my god thank you!" I hug her.
"No problem" she smiles.
"Im gonna go put my things I bought in my room.
She leaves the room and closes the door. I hope Henry likes the outfit. Maybe he'll like me, nah! He's so cute and I'm, well I'm me. I sigh.
My alarm clock goes off. I groan. I turn it off and get out of bed. I get dresses with the new outfit Tessa got me yesterday. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth then brush my hair. When I'm done I go downstairs.
"Morning" I yawn.
"Morning. Do you want orange juice or apple?" My mom asks me.
"Umm orange"
"Morning" my dad says as he walks into the kitchen.
"So hows the finding out who Captain Man and Kid Danger are thing going?" My mom asks my dad. "Not good. I have no clue or any guesses". "don't worry, you'll figure it out" my mom says then kisses my dad.
As I eat my food Tessa comes down to join us.
"Im done" I say.
"So am I" Tessa adds.
"Well you two better be heading off, you don't wanna be late for school"
I grab my bag and so does Tessa. We both leave and get into Tessa's car.
"You look nice"
"I bet Henry will say something"
"I don't think so"
"Well I hope so"
As she parks the car I unbuckle my seat belt. The car stops.
"Bye" I say as I open the door.
"Bye. Tell me what Henry says" she winks and I roll my eyes and shut the door.
As I walk though the school hallway I think about Henry. He's so perfect! He's so cute, sweet, friendly, nice, adorable, and perfect! When I reach my locker someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to see who it is and its Henry. I smile.
"Hey Ceara"
"Hey Hen" His eyes widen when he looks at me. I blush.
"Wow, you look great"
"Thanks" He smiles. "Sorry about leaving like that yesterday"
"Its ok, but why did you have to go? Where did you go?" I ask.
Before he could say anything Charlotte and Jasper appear behind him.
"Hey love birds" I roll my eyes and so does Henry.
"Nice outfit, is it new?" Charlotte asks.
"Ya my sister went to the mall yesterday and she got this for me"
"I wish I had an older sister" She says.
The bell rings.
"We better be going to class" Jasper says.
"You and Charlotte go ahead i'll meet you there" I say.
"Ok" Charlotte says. "You coming Hen?"
"Umm I'm gonna wait here with Ceara" I look down so no one sees me smiling.
"Aww thats cute" Charlotte smirks. "We'll meet you in class" she says and then Jasper and her leave.
"You don't have to stay, i'll be fine" I say.
"I know, but I wanted to stay" he says. Does he like me? Is it the outfit? Or does he just like me all of the sudden. Nah he's probably just being a good friend. But I did see the way he looked at me.... I sigh.
"You ok?" He asks me.
"Ya" I answer.
"Well we should go, we don't wanna be even later then we already are"
I close my locker and we head off to class.
We walk into class and were only 5 minutes late.
"Your 5 minutes late!" The teacher yells. Everyone looks at me and Henry. "Sit down and if this ever happens again your both getting detention" she says.
I sit down and Henry sits at the desk next to me. I take my sketch book out of my bag and I start drawing.
( Henry's pov )
Ceara looks great! She looks nice usually, but today she look even better. I don't like her, she just looks pretty. Do I like her? I shake my head. I dont like Ceara.... Or do I. I sigh. She's my friend, not my crush. I look over at Ceara and shes drawing somehing. I wonder what she draws in that book. I'll have to find out soon.

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