Chapter 5

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"Ceara" I hear someone say.
"Ceara!" I open my eyes. Its Tessa.
"What?" I groan.
"Get up, we're gonna be late" she tell me.
"late?" I yawn. I get out of bed and look at the time. My eyes widen.
"Late for school, now hurry up!" she says then leaves.
How can it be time for school? All I remember was coming home from Henry's house and.... Oh. I guess I fell asleep. Charlotte was right. I was tired. I look down and I see I'm still wearing my clothes. I get changed with. I put on a grey sweater, white, green, and pink snowflake leggings, small light grey ball earrings, a light pink scarf, and UGGs that are the same colour as the scarf. I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth then brush my hair and put it in a braid. I go down stairs. Mom and dad aren't there, but Tessa is. I guess they went to work. I pour my self a glass milk and drink it quickly. After, Tessa and I leave the house and hop into her car. We drive away and hurry to get to school.
She drops me off then hurries so shes not late. The bell rings. I don't have time to go to my locker so I hurry to class.
I run into class and luckily I'm not late.
"I thought you weren't coming" someone says. I turn around and its Henry.
"Ya, umm I just fell asleep when I got home and if Tessa didn't wake me up then I would still be sleeping"
"Well I'm glad you came" he smiles. It gives me butterflies.
"Why?" I ask.
"Well because your one of my best friends" he answers then gives me a strange look.
"Oh, ya" I do a fake laugh. Uggg I wish I didn't ask that.
After a couple hours its lunch. I assume Charlotte, Jasper, and Henry are already there so I head to the lunch room.
In the lunch room I look for my friends. I see them. I walk over to them and sit next to Charlotte. Henry is sitting in front of me which gives me a much better view of him and Jasper is sitting across from me.
"Are you free this Saturday?" I ask Charlotte. She looks at Henry then back at me.
"Umm sorry Ceara, but I'm busy" she answers.
"Oh. Thats ok" I smile. "How about you Henry?" I ask. He looks at Charlotte then looks at me.
"Sorry Ceara, but I'm busy too" he tells me.
"Umm its ok. How about you Jasper?"
"Sorry Ceara, but I'm going to my cousins over the weekend"
"Its ok"
I wonder what Charlotte and Henry are doing. They both looked worried when they looked at each other.
.... ( 3 days later ) ....
I come back from school and enter my house. My parents aren't home yet, its only me and Tessa.
"Do you have any plans tomorrow?" Tessa asks.
"No. Why?"
"Because I don't have any plans and I thought we could hang out"
"Ok.... But where?"
"Umm. I don't know. How about we go to the beach" She says.
"Sure" I answer.

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