Chapter 3

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( Ceara's pov )
Someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn my head and its Charlotte.
"You coming? Class is over"
"Wait. What?" How can class be over so quick?
"I think you lost track of time"
"Oh" I look at the clock and back at Charlotte. "I guess I did"
"What were you drawing?" She asks.
I quickly close my sketch book. "Umm nothing"
"Pictures of Henry and you kissing" she smirks.
"No! And its none of your business of what I draw"
"I'll find out soon"
I doubt that.
"Lets go eat lunch. Henry and Jasper are waiting for us in the lunch room" She says.
I get up and put my sketch book in my bag and we head off to lunch.
In the lunch room I sit next to Henry.
After lunch Charlotte and Jasper have science and me and Henry both have English so we go to class together.
"This time were not late" Henry says.
Ya, good thing too"
I sit down at a desk and Henry sits in front of me.
Class starts.
"Today you'll be starting a poem assignment" the teacher says. The class groans.
"On the last assignment you didn't work in partners, but this time you have to do it in partners" people start looking at their friends and they give that look saying lets work together.
"For this assignment your gonna have to pick an item and write a poem that rhymes and that explains the item and what it does. It must be done in 100 words on one page. You can begin now and its due in 2 weeks" the teacher say then sits down. People start working with their partners on the assignment. Henry turns back and looks at me.
"Wanna be partners?"
He gets up and pulls a chair next to me then sits down.
"Ok your dismissed" the teacher says.
"What? How can class be over?"
"Time flys when your having fun" Henry says.
"Fun?" I ask.
"Well I don't know. Its just a saying"
"I've been losing track of time all day"
"Your probably just tired"
"Ya, I guess so" but I'm not tired.
"Oops. All we did was talk the entire class" Henry says.
We laugh.
"Hey, do you wanna come to my house after school to start the assignment since we didn't do anything" Henry asks.
Oh my god! Of course I want to! I love spending time with Henry because I get to see his face. Did I just say that?
"Sure" I answer.
After school I wait at my locker for Henry. Charlotte approachs me.
"Wanna hang out?" She asks.
"I'd love to, but I already have plans, sorry"
"Its ok. What are your plans?"
"Im going to Henry's house to work on our English assignment"
She looks at me and then smiles.
"Oooo Ceara and Henry all alone together" she smirks.
"Shut up! And we won't be alone. His parents will probably be there and so will his sister"
"Ya, but you two will be alone in his living room, no one else will be down there with you besides Henry"
"Ok.... And? Were working on an assignment, were not gonna make out"
"How do you know that? Things change"
"Because he doesn't like me and why would we make out in his living room? Thats so stupid and even if he did like me that still would be stupid, making out in his living room"
"Ok well maybe he didn't like you before, but I think he does now"
"No he doesn't. Never did and never will"
"Hey" Henry says. "Ready to go?" He asks.
"Ya. I'll see you tomorrow" I tell Charlotte.
"Ok. Text me later, ok?"
"Ok, bye"
Me and Henry both leave and head to his house.

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