Chapter 16

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( later that day )
( Henry's pov )
*r u busy?* I text Jasper.
*ya, sry Hen*
*its ok. I'll ask Charlotte*
*r u busy?* I text Charlotte.
*ya, sry*
*its ok*
I look at my contacts.
Nah. No, not him, definitely not her. I sigh. I'm so bored and I can't find someone I wanna hang out with. I keep scrolling down until a name catches my attention, Ceara. I forgot about her.
*r u busy?* I text.
*want to hang out? Im rly bored*
*sure:-) I'm in the park and u know where*
Shes talking about the spot where we ate lunch that one day together.
*ya, I do*
At the park I look for Ceara at the same place we were in the park together. I find her sitting on the picnic table drawing something.
I wonder what she's drawing.
I sneak up behind her and look over her shoulder. Shes drawing a flower. A tulip. I look in front of her and theres a red tulip standing tall on the grass.
Wow, shes a great drawer. Why doesn't she show people?
Ceara turns her head and sees me. She jumps. "Oh shi-"
"Sorry" I laugh.
"Henry! You scared me to death"
"Nice tulip"
She quickly closes her sketch book. "Did you see that?"
"Ya, but its really good"
"No its not. I suck"
I sit down next to her. "If you suck then why do you keep drawing?" I question.
"Because I like too" she answers.
"And your good. You should show people when they ask because they'll like it"
"Thanks, but I doubt it"
"You never know if you never try"
She rolls her eyes. "Whatever"
"So what do you wanna do?" She asks.
"I don't know. I was just really bored and had no one to hang out with because either everyone was busy or I didn't feel like hanging out with some people right now"
"Oh ok"
Ceara gets up and takes her sketch book and sits on the grass. "What are you doing?" I ask.
"I'm gonna draw these tress. I get a better view of them from here"
I get up and sit next to her. "Can I sit with you?"
"Ok, but I'm doing nothing exciting so if I bore you to death then don't blame me"
I chuckle. "I won't" I lay down on the grass and watch the clouds. One of them looks like a lion and another one looks like a dog. I look at Ceara and she seems really focused. The sun lighting makes her look prettier than she already is. I close my eyes. No Henry, shes not. I open my eyes and look at her. She turns her head and looks at me. "What?" She asks. "Nothing" I answer and she continues her drawing.
"Wanna see it?" Ceara asks.
I sit up, nod my head, and she shows me it.
"Do you like it?"
"Oh" she says quietly.
"I love it"
Her sad face soon turns into a big smile. "Oh my god Henry, you scared me there" she yells and pushes me a bit, I smile. I notice a man looking at us. He notices I was looking at him and he looks aways, strange.
"Did you notice that guy starring at us?" She asks me.
"I saw that guy come after you came and then he sat there. Did you see him on your way here?"
"No. I just noticed him now"
"Lets go, he's giving me the creeps" I nod my head and we get up and leave. We start walking away from the man, but when I look behind me he is following us.
"He's following us" she looks back and then looks at me worried. "Why is he following us?" She asks.
"I don't know?" She stops and turns around and starts walking towards the guy. "What are you doing?!" I ask.
"Finding out who this guy is and why he's following us"
I chase after her. "Your crazy"
"And proud of it"
The guy notices Ceara and starts walking the other way, but Ceara grabs the mans arm and he turns around and its.... What? Ceara's dad?
"Dad?!" Ceara yells. "What are you doing? Why are you following us?"
He sighs.
"Is it because you think Henry is Kid Danger?!"
What? Did Ceara tell her dad something?!
"I didn't want to, but-"
"No! You promised!"
"I know sweetie! But it wasn't my choice, its my bosses"
"I don't care! It's obvious that he isn't Kid Danger. Kid Danger is cute and amazing"
"Thanks" I say sarcastically.
"Ceara, look I just needed to follow him for today and thats it, no more"
"No! Your done right now, go away" Ceara gives her dad a mean look.
"Ok, ok, I'm going and I won't ever follow him again"
"Do you swear to God?"
"Yes and I'm really sorry" he says then leaves.
She sighs. "Ceara?" I ask.
"I didn't tell him anything, I promise. He just saw a picture of you and well this happened and I swear its the only and last time"
I nod my head. "We shouldn't tell Ray about this"
We start walking. "Thanks for defending me"
"No problem. Did I seem suspicious? Because I seemed kinda really mad about this which might seem suspicious"
"Nah, you just seemed really mad"
"Ok, good"
"So.... Kid Danger is cute and amazing?" I smirk.
She pushes me. "Shut up. You know I had to say that"
"Its true!"
"I know I know" I laugh. I wish it wasn't true. I shake my head. What? No. Your happy its not true because you don't like Ceara. You think Bianca is cute and kind of like her so your gonna ask her to go with you to the spring dance.
"You ok?" Ceara asks.
"Ya, why?"
"Because you shook your head"
"Oh ya, I'm fine. I was just thinking"
"Nothing important"

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