Chapter 20

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( last night after the dance from Henry's pov )

I close the door and I lay down on the couch just thinking about tonight.

"What are you smiling about?" A voice startles me and it's Piper.

I didn't realize I was smiling. "It doesn't concern you"

"I don't care, I still want to know"

"Isn't it past you bedtime?"

"Oh shut up, now spill!"

"Alright alright, gosh. Ceara and I both like each other and we kissed"

"On the lips?"


"So are you two dating?"

"I guess.... Well we haven't gone on a date yet, but I guess we are"

"Well congrats, you got a girl to like you"


( Ceara's pov )

The next morning I wake up feeling great! I get dressed and eat a good breakfast. Tessa is going to the beach with some of her friends, my mom is going to some cafe with one of her friends and dad, well he's still hoping to find out who Captain Man and Kid Danger are, but he won't be getting any help from me, but he's taking a break today and enjoying some time to himself. Since I have nothing to do I'm going to hang out with Charlotte, Jasper, and Henry.


I arrive at the park because thats where Charlotte said we would all meet up and then decide on what to do. I see Charlotte with Jasper so I walk over to them.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey" Charlotte says.

"Hi" Jasper says.

"Where's Henry?" I ask without even thinking.

Charlotte smiles. "He's coming, don't worry"

I roll my eyes. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ask right away. My mouth just blurted it out"

"Its fine"

"So Jasper, I didn't really see you at the dance" I tell him.

"Oh ya, sorry about that I was hanging out with Oliver" he tells me.

"It' fine"

"But Charlotte told me about you and Henry. So congrats"

"Umm thanks"

Someone puts their hands on my eyes and it scares me.

"Guess who?" A voice says.

It sounds familiar and soon I recognize the person and start to smile. The person takes their hands away and I turn around and it's Henry. He smiles at me and kisses me on the lips which surprises me because I wasn't expecting it. After were just looking into each other's eyes and smiling.

"Aren't they cute?" I hear Charlotte tell Jasper.

"Ya, they are" he says.

"So where do you guys wanna go?" Charlotte asks.

I shrug my shoulders.

"Ceara" says Henry.


"Wanna go on a date with me tomorrow?"

"Umm sure" I respond.

"Aww, where are you taking her?" Charlotte asks.

"I'm not really sure, but we will go somewhere"

"Wanna go get some frozen yogurt and then go watch a movie?" Suggests Jasper.

We all nod our heads and go.


( 5:50pm )

After we got frozen yogurt we went to see a movie and we saw a scary movie. I sat next to Charlotte and Henry and Jasper sat next to Henry too. The movie was good, but scary too and my favourite part was when Henry put his arm around me, it was perfect. Then we went to my house and we just talked, but they left like half an hour ago so now I'm bored in my room, sitting on my bed and I have nothing to do.


( 9:44pm )


I check my phone and I got a text from Henry.


*hi, whats up?* I text back.

*nothing, you?*


*want to know where our date is gonna take place?*


*first we go get lunch at your favourite place to eat.Then we can go to the arcade and play some of you favorite games. After that we go to the park at your favorite spot and we sit there and talk, what do you think?*

I smile. *it sounds great, but don't you wanna do anything you like?*

*I am doing what I like though*

*and what is that? *

*being with you*

Oh my god! He's so adorable! *aww, xoxo*

*hey I'm pretty tired so I'm gonna go to sleep, see you tomorrow, bye xo*

*bye xo*

  I sigh and smile. It's great just thinking about how this all turned out. When I think about it, it's kind of like a story.... I'm the girl who likes my best guy friend. I don't know if he likes me, but my best friend keeps telling me he does and sometimes it would seem like he actually likes me, but then he dated some other girl, but she dumped him later. Soon I found out he likes me too, we kiss, and boom, were going on a date. I lay down and stare at my celling. I guess you could say this whole thing is kind of like my own little love story.

( author's note: Omg! I'm finally done writting this book and I can't believe that I actually wrote a book that has 2.5k reads! When I started writing this I thought I wouldn't even get 100 reads, but I guess I was wrong. Thank you so much to everyone who read this and I'm actually really proud of myself. I will be writing a new story and I hope you'll enjoy it:-) and maybe I'll write a Love Story 2 just because I had a lot of fun writting this and I'll miss writting about Ceara and Henry. Well who knows, but thanks again, xoxo )

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