Chapter 8

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We walk downstairs.
"hey, where are you two going?" Tessa asks.
"Umm...." I look at Henry and he looks at me.
"Were going to get some ice cream" he answers.
"Oh ok, just don't be too long Ceara"
"Ok" I say then we leave the house.
"That was close" He says.
"Ya. So where are we going?" I ask.
"You'll see, but you have to promise me you won't tell anyone and especially not your dad"
"Umm, ok, but why?"
"Just promise me!"
"Ok ok! I promise"
We stop in front of Junk n Stuff.
"Why did we stop here?"
"You'll see" we walk inside and no ones there, strange, but I don't question it. A door opens to an elevator. I follow Henry inside and the doors close.
"This might hurt" he says which worries me.
"Why?!" I ask. Henry looks at me and then looks away.
"Henry why are-" we start falling down.
"AHHHHH!!!!" I scream and so does Henry.
We hit the ground, hard.
"Ow" I groan.
"You ok?" He asks.
"Ya, but my head hurts a bit" I get up and I'm shocked.
"Oh.... My.... God.... What is this place?" I ask.
"This is the man cave" he answers.
"The man what?"
"The man cave. This is where I come with Charlotte"
"You'll see" I wish he would stop saying that and just show me. He pulls out a piece of gum. "Im gonna blow your mind" he says.
"With a piece of gum?" I ask. He nods and puts it in his mouth and starts chewing it. A flash appears and Henry is no longer wearing the same clothes.... Or looks the same. He kind of look like, I gasp.... Kid Danger.
"Your Kid Danger?!" I yell.
"Ya, are you surprised?" He asks.
"Duh! Of course I am! Your Kid Danger!"
"Please don't tell anyone or your dad! Ray will kill me for even telling you, he barley let Charlotte finding out slip"
"I promise! And why would I tell my dad? I may be 'helping' him, but I don't have to tell him EVERYTHING" I wink. He smiles. "Who's Ray?" I ask.
"Ray is Captain Man" my eyes widen.
"Captain Man?!" I yell. "Can I meet him?"
"Ya, sure" I smile. "Can I look around?" I ask.
"Sure. Just don't touch or break anything"
I look around the man cave. Its so cool, but strange way of getting here, but well hidden. I never suspected their hide out to be here. I wonder how we'll get out.
"What do you think of the man cave?" Henry asks.
"Its so cool" someone screams and lands on the ground. Its a man, maybe its Captain Man! He gets up and looks at Henry.
"Hey Henry, hey-" he looks at me with a confused look. "Henry, whose this?" He asks worried.
"Ray, this is my friend, Ceara"
"Hi" I smile. Henry said Ray so this must be Captain Man!
"Henry can I talk to you for a second, alone" he nods and they go talk.
( Henry's pov )
We walk over to a corner and he looks at me.
"What is she doing here?!" He asks.
"She was on to Charlotte and I and knew something was going on. She thought we were secretly dating, but we told her no! She got upset and mad because we were lying and I felt bad and so-"
"So you brought her here and told her the truth" he interrupts me.
"Ya, but she promised not to tell anyone" Ray sighs.
"Henry, is this the girl with that reporter dad trying to find out who we are?"
"Ya, but-"
"Henry! Her dad will soon figure out she knows something and then-"
"We can trust her" I interrupt him. "Its just like last time. I told Charlotte and you yelled a bit and then boom! Shes a helper here"
"Last time was different. Charlottes dad isn't a reporter and we can't take any chances with her"
"Come on Ray! Give her a chance"
"No Henry, I'm done with a chances. First Charlotte and now Ceara! Who next, Jasper?"
"No, but-"
"Henry, no! No more buts. I'm sorry, but I can't take the risk and this will be the last time you tell anyone because your fired" the words shock me.
"What? Ray you-"
"Henry, no. Just go" he points at the tube and I'm shocked. He didn't do this with Charlotte, so why with Ceara? Is it because of her dad?
"Go now!" He yells. I walk towards Ceara.
( Ceara's pov )
Henry walks towards me.
"Come on, were leaving"
"Wait, why? What happened?" He switches back into his normal clothes. He grabs my hand.
"Hold on" he says and I do. He looks at Ray and then looks up.
"Up the tube!" He yells and a gust of wind blows us up.
That was so crazy, but its better than falling from and elevator. And oh my god! I held onto Henry! I smile. I look at Henry and he looks upset which makes me upset.
"Henry, whats going on? What happened back there?"
"I got fired"

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