Chapter 10

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( 2 days later )
My alarm clock wakes me up. I turn it off and get ready for school. I put on some ripped shorts, a pink tank top, and a black lose t-shirt with a pink peace symbol over it.
I go down stairs and eat breakfast.
"Morning sweetie" my mom says.
"Morning. So dad" he looks at me. "Find anything about-"
"No, but I have some people in mind" he interrupts me.
"Oh really? Like who?" I ask nervously.
"Well for Captain man no one really, but for Kid Danger it's this boy I saw in the park. He looks suspicious and kind of looked like Kid Danger a bit"
I'm relieved that he didn't say Henry. "Oh cool"
After breakfast I get my bag and put on a pair of pink converse and leave with Tessa.
"Bye Tess"
"Bye" she waves then drives off.
I walk into the school and go to my locker. I put away my bag and grab the things i'll need for first period.
"Hey" a voice says. I turn around and its Charlotte.
"Hey" I smile.
"So.... You still shocked?"
"Not as much as I was two days ago, but I'm still a bit"
"Ya its kind of hard to believe he could be Kid Danger"
"Ya" we laugh.
"When are you asking Henry out?!" She says quickly changing the subject.
"I'm not asking him out"
"Why not? He so likes you! Its so obvious"
"The only thing that's obvious is that he doesn't like me"
"Have you-" the bell rings which cuts off Charlotte. "We'll continue this later" she says then we head off to class.
After the national anthem we sit down and listen to the announcements.
"Good morning! This week starting tomorrow we are having a sprit week!" The person on the speaker says. "Tomorrow's sprit day is cat!. Dress like a cat or wear something with a cat on it to show your sprit!"
After the announcements class beings and the teacher takes the attendance.
"Ok class you know what you have to do for the poem assignment so get to work" the teacher says.
Henry grabs a chair and sits next to me.
"When was the last time we worked on this?" I ask.
"I don't know, but it has been a while" he says.
We work on the poem. I look around the room and I see Charlotte making a heart with her hands and pointing at me and Henry. I roll my eyes and mouth stop to her. She rolls her eyes and stops.
After class I head to my locker to get my things for next period, math. Someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and Its Henry.
"The poems due next week and maybe we could get it done today since were almost done, wanna come over to work on it?" He asks.
"Sorry Henry, but I'm busy. I have piano lessons" I wish I could so bad.
"It's ok. How about tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow I'm also busy, guitar lessons and on Wednesday I have swimming. How about Thursday?"
"Sure" he says then leaves.
Its lunch. I go put away my things and get my lunch money.
"hey Ceara!' Someone yells. I turn around and its Jasper.
"Hey Jasper" I smile. "Whats up?" I ask.
"nothing much. How about you?"
We walk to the lunch room and buy lunch. We sit down at a table and wait for Charlotte and Henry to come.
About five minutes later I see Charlotte and Henry. Jasper waves at them so they can see where we are. They see us and go buy lunch then come towards the table. Henry is about to sit next to me, but Charlotte sits down before he could.
"You jealous" she teases him
"I know you wanted to sit next to her" she smirks.
"I don't care who I sit next to, i'll just go sit next to Jasper" he says then sits down.
"He's a good actor" Charlotte whispers to me.
"No, thats not acting" I whisper back.
"Hey Henry" Charlotte says.
"What?" He asks.
"Why do you always sit next to Ceara?"
"I don't always-"
"Yes you do" she interrupts him.
"Sorry Henry, but you do" Jasper says.
"Told ya!" Charlotte yells.
"Ok maybe I do, but that doesn't mean anything.
"Ya" I say.
"Just admit it Henry, you do like Ceara and Ceara, just admit you like Henry"
"No" we both say.
"I don't like her and she doesn't like me. Were just friends" he says.
I don't know if Charlotte is trying to help or is trying to prove that Henry doesn't like me and might soon hate me for this because he seems annoyed with all this and so am I.
"Fine! Deny, but I know your lying"
( Henry's pov )
Why does Charlotte think I like her? Just because I sit next to her a lot? That doesn't mean anything. I bet Ceara will soon hate me because of this. She seems annoyed like me.

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