Chapter 4- anticipation

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A/N: This chapter's gonna be longer than the others :DD

CW: description of NSFW image

Clay's pov

It was the 10th of August, and it was 5am. Clay was packing up the last of his things, leaving what should be enough food out for Patches. Even if it wasn't, he had told his neighbour he was leaving their town for the week. He was completely ready, had no reason to stay. But he wasn't leaving. 

The blonde just couldn't bring himself to. He had always worried what others thought of him, especially people he cared for. And that was seperate from his appearance, for which he was more worried for than anything.

What if George sees my face and hates it? What if I disappoint him and with what I look like?

Sapnap was one of the few people who knew what Clay looked like, so there was no worry there. He had explained Clay's appearance to the others before, but he would always make his friend out to be super attractive...something that the blonde didn't think he was. 

Why am I not as worried about what Karl will think? He doesn't know what I look like either.

I guess I don't know him as well? I've known George for years.

Even so, thoughts of the brunette refused to leave his mind. Clay had no idea why, but the face and voice of his friend were all he could think about.

Before Clay knew it it was 5:45am, and he was still sat on his bed completely zoned out and again lost in his thoughts. Only now did green eyes look up at the clock, practically making him jump. He was meant to be at the house between 7 and 8am, and it would take about two hours to drive there. The plan had been to leave at half past 5 so that he could get food on the way, but that was of course not happening.

He rushed about his flat, grabbing his last few belongings and stuffing them in his bag. He swung it over his shoulder, gave patches a cuddle, practically ran out of the door and locked it behind him. 

His car was parked about 5 minutes away from his apartment so he was in it by 6, starting the ignition and setting up the directions on his phone.

Well, here we go.  I'm gonna see George. And the others. And George...


After a couple of hours of driving and humming along to music, Clay arrived. He pulled up outside, climbed out of the car and pulled his bag after him. The house was beautiful.

The place was a 2 minute walk away from the beach, and there was a beautiful view of the sea from inside. It was 2 floors, 4 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms (one on each floor). The windows were large, but reflected the sunlight meaning it was practically impossible to see inside.

Clay went up to the front door, finding the key in a plant beside the patio. The first thing he did was choose a bedroom, deciding on the smaller one downstairs (he had never liked sleeping in a big space, plus it was right next to the bathroom). He unpacked all of his stuff, shoving his clothes in the chest of drawers and eventually he took out his phone, flopping down on the double bed. 

Sapnap and Karl would arrive in Florida at about 11, and then they'd meet to pick up George who would arrive at about 12. And then they would all drive over from the airport, which was an hour away from the house. All Clay could do was wait.

I can't wait to see George. And the others. Why did I think it like that? I'm excited to see all of them. And George. Will it be okay? Will he still like me in real life? What about my face..?

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