Chapter 5- meeting you

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George's POV

I felt my stomach tighten as the house came into view. I was sat in the back of the car, Karl and Sapnap in front of me. They were both just chatting, not really asking me any questions. I was happy to sit and stay silent; I didn't think I had the mental ✨strength✨ to talk. 

I'm finally going to see him.

After all this worrying, fantasising and crying I was on my way to meet the man I (was pretty sure that I) love. Sat in that car, with music and Sapnap's laughter filling my ears, I didn't really know what to do or think. I was happy- I mean I was sat in the same car as two of my best friends, of course I was happy. But at the same time I was terrified, and kept rethinking over how I would greet Clay when I finally saw him. 

What will he think of me? Will he think I'm not the same in real life? Will he think I'm more awkward??

Different scenarios played in my head as we pulled into the drive, none of them positive. 

Will he ignore me? Will he see me and look away in disgust? Will he not talk to me properly? Will he-

The car stopped, ✨rudely✨ interrupting my thoughts (so homophobic 🙄🖐). The other two climbed out and went to the boot to take out their bags, still talking and laughing way too much at their own jokes. I just sat, my hands shaking slightly, staring up at the house which I knew held Clay inside. 

"Oi, you coming?" Nick asked, still giggling slightly. I shoved on a smile and unbuckled my seat belt, nodding and hurriedly climbing out of my seat to take my bag. 

"Yeah sorry, zoned out."  I gulped and tried to calm down, walking behind them as we only got closer and closer to the door.

He's in there. He's in there and I'm about to see him.

It wasn't fake any more, it wasn't just my imagination or a dream. The sounds of the keys jangling as Karl unlocked the house weren't in my head. We were there, probably a few metres away from Clay, and I needed to say hi and act like I wasn't having a complete gay panic about seeing him. I took a deep breath as Karl put his hand on the door handle. Time seemed to slow down as he pushed it open. 

Oh my god.

I stood back, practically hiding behind the other two as they strode in. My head felt fuzzy, eyes trying their best to focus. 

I can't ruin this. Not now. I have to make it normal.

Going slower than I ever had, I walked through the doorway- fists slightly clenched and heart thumping in my chest. 

Time stopped completely. The door opened. He was there, looking at me. And god, he was beautiful. Let me just go on a little explanation spree right now, because when I tell you he is GORGEOUS I am not exaggerating.

Just over a head taller than me, and slightly muscular even tho he's overall pretty skinny. His hair is dirty blonde out of direct light (which makes it look golden) and no matter how much it's brushed it looks permanently ruffled. The eyes looking into mine were a beautiful yellow, but I remembered him telling me they're green before. His face is irritatingly perfect, freckles scattered across his nose and down his neck. My eyes travelled to his lips- they looked so soft, and for a split second all I wanted to do was feel them on mine. Then I remembered how to breath, and pushed that  thought out of my mind. He was exactly as amazing as I expected.

One moment I was staring at him, my mouth slightly open and my cheeks turning red. Next there were gentle arms around me, and my face was stuffed into his yellow (presumably green) hoodie. For a second I froze, processing the  physical contact and calming my brain down slightly, but then I completely melted against his body. I breathed in, smelling the fabric and hesitantly putting my arms around his torso. My chest was FULL of butterflies, my hands were starting to shake a bit more, and I was so happy I felt like I could cry.

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