Chapter 9- happy

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A/N: Hollllyy shit. 97 VIEWS?!?!?!??! DUDE WHATTTTTT??? Tysm if ur reading, I SO didn't expect this. I'm sorry if some chapters r shorter or take longer, my mental health is REALLY trash atm and I'm doing my best.

Clay's POV

We were all messing around in the kitchen. I was making food, Nick was sat on the table with Karl stood beside him, and George was on the counter watching me. 

Everyone was in a pretty good mood; we had music playing in the background, and we were having that nice sort of moment where we spoke a lot without saying much. In general the atmosphere of the room was comfortable - though I could feel George's eyeing the back of my head as I portioned food into bowls, making sure one was significantly smaller than the others. 

"Sooooo, what are we doing today?" Nick asked as I handed him a plate. "Fayre? Town? Beach? Shops? Skiing? Canada?" 

He continued saying more and more ridiculous locations until I interrupted, slightly irritated by the silly grin on his face.

"Beach sounds fine. George, is that ok with you?" He looked up hearing his name, having to take his mind back to the conversation in which he was clearly zoned out. But he found it fine, looking pleased with himself as he smiled at me, nodding. 

"Sure, why not? It's better than staying here all day."

The next half hour was us putting on sunscreen, getting way too many towels for 4 people and arguing whether or not to take a picnic when we literally just ate lunch (we didn't take one). I was filling water bottles when Karl approached me, tapping my shoulder and making me jump.

"FU-ck dude, don't creep up on me like that.." but he was too busy laughing to reply.

"Ju-*laugh*'re not gonna go swimming in your jeans are you? Go get changed, you moron." 

"Oh...oh, yeah, right." I hadn't even considered this, so nodded a thanks to Karl and entered my room. 
But I was worried.

I didn't want to go shirtless in front of people, especially not George. Insecurity was creeping it's way into my head and I frowned, trying to push it away. I don't wanna change. But let's be honest, there was nothing I could do- everyone had seemed happy about the idea of the beach and I didn't want to make up some dumb excuse that would ruin the day. So I sucked it up, grabbing the trunks from my suitcase and stuffing them on. 

They were black, with a green waistband and drawstrings. As most do they stopped just above my knee, but I still felt all too self-conscious as I walked out of my room pulling on a t-shirt. George was there, in front of me, wearing blue and grey shorts with a white t-shirt. Our eyes met briefly, and I could've sworn his cheeks turned pink- but, as usual, it was probably just my hopeful imagination.

The beach was 2 minutes away from the house, so we just left without anything other than a towel and a water bottle each. Karl and Nick walked shoulder to shoulder, holding one another's hands casually as their steps fell perfectly in sync. George had the giggles, and was laughing hysterically at their bold act when they hadn't even necessarily started dating. His smile was contagious, and I found myself chuckling randomly at his happy face. 

I grinned. He was comfortable. 

The moment the sea came into sight Sapnap sprinted at it, dropping his towel on the floor and throwing himself into the water. Karl picked it up, folded it, placed his own on top, and happily followed his 'friend' in suit. George just laughed again as I sat myself down on soft white sand, watching them piss around in the calm waves. To my surprise, I felt a (fluffy) head rest on my shoulder, and looked down to see George sat beside me.

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