Chapter 22- I can't see you.

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 George's POV

"H-hi mum."

Clay was visibly shaking. I could almost feel his panic, and it increased when his mother's brown eyes looked down at our held hands. An angry flush spread across her cheeks as her blonde head whipped up to look at her husband. He was stood there, almost a head taller than Clay, staring down at me with eyes full of fury. 

"Who are you??" spit landed on my cheek as the words were practically shouted at me. It was a voice not unlike my boyfriend's, just deeper and more aggressive than Clay would ever be with me. "I'm-" 

"Clay," came the shrill voice of the woman in front of us, "Clay, you're're not one of those are you??" she was slightly open-mouthed and still staring desperately at Clay who was stood beside me, seemingly unable to move or talk. There was a pause filled only by angry breathing and thick tension, interrupted by-

"CLAYTON!" it was shouted in his face, making him jump back and lose grip on my hand. His mum was walking towards him, cheeks red in fury. "Don't you DARE ignore me." 

But the only response he could give was a helpless shrug and a stutter, turning to me with terror in his eyes. 

What do I do, what do I say, we should have ran. We should have ran away..

His dad took a few steps forward, slowly moving the shaking woman behind him. Over 2 heads taller than me, dark hair, and eyes that...eyes that I recognised to feel- safe. Eyes that were exactly like the ones of the helpless boy beside me. Eyes that burned with a hatred that I had never felt before.

"Answer the question, boy. Who are you?" I flinched slightly as he stepped forward again, fists clenching. "Um.. G-George. George Henry Davidso-"

"And what, may I ask, is a f**got like you doing in my sons house."

"DAD!" Clay interrupted, face bright red in anger and- seemingly- embarrassment. His father whirled, reaching out and slapping his hand around a freckled cheek. I cried out, rushing forward and being stopped by fingers wrapping around my throat.

"NO. Wait, wait, don't hurt him. Please don't hurt him. Dad, PLEASE-" my vision was going hazy from lack of oxygen. The burning golden eyes staring spitefully into mine were so bittersweet to see- so alien yet so familiar.

I dropped to the ground as he released me, coughing and gasping. A heavy shoe clashed with my side, forcing a groan out of my mouth and causing me to double over in pain. It didn't stop though, another kick landing every syllable that was spoken in the next sentence.

"Clay, we didn't raise you to be some disgusting- some kind of- freak."

One last blow landed on my ribs at the last word and I cried out in pain. A hand grabbed my jaw roughly, lifting my face to look into an angry one. Again, those eyes had such an affect on me.

-Because Clay is who saved me. He is my happy place. He is my home. Those eyes are ones I could usually look into and feel perfectly content with everything. Yet here I was, in immense pain and seeing them, but full of hate and fury instead of tenderness and care. Seeing something I love instead of something I dislike when hurting is much worse- in fact it's terrifying.

Yet again fingers wrapped around my throat, though this time much tighter. I felt my body lift and my feet leave the ground as I was raised in the air my my neck. Tears were flowing down my face from the insane amount of pain I was in at that moment. Darkness was at the edge of my vision, beckoning me to let it take over. 

"If this is what you love, Clay, if this is what has changed you to be disgusting....then I want to break it."
The last thing I saw were two gleaming balls of golden fury before my body collided with the floor and everything was gone.


My head hurt. So did my neck. And my chest. And my arms, my legs, my nose- everything hurt. 

I was lying on something soft, beside something warm. Both seemed familiar, but my eyelids were heavy so I couldn't open them to find out what they were. A sound was coming from the thing beside me and it was shaking. It seemed to be crying- quite violently. There wasn't really much I could do in my current state so I let myself drift back into darkness.


Pain as a foot slammed into me again and again. Those bright yellow eyes of Clay's father burning into my vision. Slurs were being thrown at me repeatedly, all of my cries and begging being ignored. My vision clouded and everything went black...

My eyes snapped open as my throat inhaled a sharp spike of cold air. Tears filled my eyes and I remembered what happened to put me in this state, a sob racking my weak body. 


 I cried out in response, recognising the voice of Clay. The thing beside me moved and I quickly realised it was him when he sat up and looked down at me. His eyes met mine, laced with concern and care and fear. So similar to the ones that had been full of anger and hate and disrespect. 

Instantly I shut my eyes again, turning my head away from Clay. Confusion filled his voice as he said my name again, gently putting his hands beneath me and sitting me up against the bed frame. I was still facing my shoulder instead of him, until fingers took my chin and lifted it. Strong fingers, and though gentle I could feel how easily they'd be able to break me.

Golden eyes which I knew to be green stared into mine. At the same time, both pairs filled with tears- when I closed my eyelids. Looking at him had hurt, feeling his hands by my throat had hurt, being so scared of the one I love had hurt. 

"George, I-"

"I'm sorry Clay. I can't..I-I can't look at you..your- it's your eyes..h-his eyes.."

The hands let go of my face slowly, the sounds of rustling filling my ears as he stood and kissed me on the top of the head. A small click told me the door had been closed, leaving me sat with tears running down my face with only the soft sound of sobbing coming from outside. Left me unable to move, hurting physically and mentally, wising I could go back to sleep-


(1101 words)

not me crying at my own book-

anyways. Thoughts? 

Please comment whatever you want. Tell me stuff- what are your pronouns? where are you from? do you have any writing tips? whats your honest opinion on this book? is there anything you want to vent about?

I've started another book (yes, I know, ANOTHER one,) that's dnf in an au where George's mute. I actually struggle with going mute at school- lmao I guess I'm writing a fanfic for every one of my issues.

Love you loads, see you (hopefully) soon <3

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