Chapter 18- harsh words

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George's POV

There were only 2 days left, today and tomorrow. The week had gone by so fast, I really didn't want to leave yet. 

"Hey Clay," I said as we stumbled across the beach, me slightly behind him because of his stupidly long legs and my clumsiness.

"Hmm?" He replied, turning back just in time to catch my arm before I fell. I thanked him, straightened and then continued, my hand now in his.

"I was wondering if I could stay here. Like, in Florida. With you." Clay stopped at this, turning to me and raising an eyebrow.

"Really? George..I mean that would be amazing, but the only reason I hadn't suggested it is because I thought you wouldn't want to. I-I mean, you're not great with change, so, I don't know I thought you'd be against the idea..I'm definitely not, but I don't want you to feel like you have to just because we're..just because..." 

He cocked his head to the side and had started blushing. I was slightly taken aback by this reaction, and squeezed his hand to make him look at me as we walked. 

"Clay, I know I'm not good at change, but I think this is what I want with my life. You are what makes me happy, you are who I want to spend forever with. I love you, and there's nothing in the world that could change that." 

I spoke solemnly, looking into his eyes and walking as close to him as I could. The blush on his face deepened, and I giggled at how flustered he was at my words. Slowly that blonde head started nodding, and his fingers tightened around mine in excitement.

"That's so...oh my" He spluttered, and I burst out laughing. The happiness that filled me was like a blanket, warming me inside; filling my brain with static excitement. 

Clay's POV

He had said it. George had asked me, I didn't have to panic, I didn't have to worry about losing him. The short brunette beside me was smiling at the ground as he stumbled along, struggling to keep up with my long strides. 

Chuckles kept escaping my lips at random times, especially when we got to the water and George tripped right towards it, almost falling in. I saw this coming and pulled him back with an arm around his waist and spinning him around. A gradual blush spread across his beautiful little face, those honey-brown eyes looking down at the floor in embarrassment. The sun reflected off the sea's surface onto his cheeks, so he really seemed to glow. I took my hand and gently lifted his chin up to look at me. 

"You're so pretty" I muttered, mostly absent-mindedly. He turned a deeper pink, it was so clear against his soft, pale skin.

"Says you" he whispers, as if afraid of speaking too loud. Sadness filled my heart when I remembered that no matter how gorgeous, how amazing, how PERFECT George is he never really believes it. My one bundle of happiness is so insecure, so afraid, so sad and it hurts even to think about. Because he doesn't deserve to go through any pain, and I would die 100 times if it meant he could just learn to love himself as much as I do.

I wanted to tell him all of this and see him smile, I wanted to see him realise that he doesn't need to be worried what others thought but I knew from the way he stood and the way he held himself it just wouldn't work. For now, at least, he was too far in. All I could do to help was communicate my feelings, so I pulled his little frame against my body and rested my chin on his head.

"I love you so much." I spoke loud and clear, not hushing my voice or trying to hide what I was saying from anyone. Before he could respond I heard a distinguished cough from behind us.

 I turned to see a middle-aged man wearing a t-shirt and jeans glaring at us. Sunglasses were planted on his balding head, and his eyes were staring us up and down.

"Uh..may we help you?" I asked, slightly unsure of what was up with him. The man sniffed.

"Well I think I speak for everyone on this beach when I say that we'd appreciate it if you saved all of...all of this business for when you're in the privacy of your own home. I don't want my children seeing you here." George looked up at me, a quizzical look on his face. I glanced back with the same expression, then turned to face the man.

"I mean..sorry, what do you mean by our 'business'? I was hugging him.." He rolled his eyes and looked right at me, anger on his face

"YES, but I don't want kids to see you and think it's okay for this to happen. They shouldn't have to see something so disgusting at a young age." At this point I was glaring back, holding George's hand firmly and standing tall.

"Well, sir, to be perfectly honest I think you're the one being disgusting. How dare you come up to me and my boyfriend just to tell us that you disapprove of love. The thing is, mate, I don't actually CARE about what you have to say, because-" I was interrupted by a tug on my arm, and I turned to look down at George. He had tears in his eyes and he was shaking his head. 

"Let's just go home.."

"George, it's ok, he-"

"Clay, please, I just wanna go home." His face was red and he was biting his lip, trying not to let out the tears. I hesitated but gave in, he looked upset and I didn't think hanging about with this stranger was gonna help. I squeezed George's hand and pulled him up towards the sand, where the man stood.

"F*ggots" he muttered under his breath. I felt so angry in that moment, and I would have punched him if George hadn't pulled me away.

"Fuck you." Was all I said to him, and then we left. George was crying by the time we got back  and I pulled him in for a hug, stroking his back and hushing his muffled sobs. The other two came downstairs to see him crying in my arms, immediately rushing over to ask if we were okay. "We're fine, we're fine. Some homophobic idiot at the beach. Used the f-slur, told us we were disgusting. I WOULD have hit him, but Gogy just wanted to leave." There was a slight giggle from my chest and George spoke between sniffs

"It wouldn't h-have done any-anything, you're t-too we-eak" he stuttered out, then started giggling again. I smiled and so did the other two, and then all four of us just sat down for a bit and enjoyed one anothers company. We hadn't spent that much time together as a group, so it was nice to sit there and joke around as usual. 

Eventually Karl fell asleep with his head on Sapnap's shoulder, and then George lying against my chest. Me and Nick talked for a while, but after a bit he dozed off and I closed my eyes to follow. It had been a pretty good day, all in all. Caring about what others thought wasn't something I did often, and being with the person I love isn't gonna change that.

(1241 words)


PLS vote if you enjoyed!!! I'm trying to update a bit more atm, no promises but I promise I'm trying!!

just added a bunch of edits lol

If u read this ily <3

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