Chapter 19- alone now

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Clay's POV

Karl and Nick were leaving today. George had spent the entire morning hugging them and sniffing sorrowfully at me until I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I had been staying by George and helping the others pack up their shit. Now we were all at the airport, Sapnap holding Karl's hand and me and George saying our last goodbyes.

"Don't get lonely without us you guys" I joked, pretending I hadn't guessed what was actually gonna happen.

"Oh um- we won't, I'm actually uh..I'm actually gonna stay with Nick for a while." Karl responded, and while I nodded and laughed, George just stared between the two for a long period of time.

"Wait what th-"

"You guys should probably get your plane" I cut in, interrupting the confused brunette. He looked up as if coming out of a haze; I was right, moments later the announcement that flight 404 was taking off in 6 minutes. I hugged Nick and waved to Karl, then me and George watched as they turned and walked away, looking back at us every few steps. The man beside me was waving frantically; craning his neck to look at them until they disappeared round the corner. They were gone.

"Well....I guess we're alone now. What do you wanna do?" Muttered the voice from beside me, the smile already growing on my face. 


George's POV

A hand grabbed mine and started pulling me. Clay was laughing as he dragged me away from the gates and out the door, I was stumbling along behind him giggling. The moment we were in the car he jumped on me, nuzzling his face in my neck and hugging me close.

"Wh-what is wrong with you??" I managed between laughs, squirming under him as he peppered my face with kisses. Those emerald eyes that seemed golden in my vision lifted and stared right at me, I felt like they could see to my soul. 

"Just us now Georgie" He muttered,the tone of his voice for some reason filling my stomach with butterflies and bringing a blush to my cheeks. "Wh-" but I was interrupted by lips pressing against mine, feeling a smile against my face and arms around my waist. Heat spread across my cheeks as my expression became serious, focusing all my energy into the passion and warmth of the kiss. Hands swarmed my sides, pulling me impossibly close and occasionally lifting up the bottom of my shirt. I tried to gasp for air but there were fingers in my hair, holding my face against Clay's until I had to tap him on the back to ask for oxygen. He pulled back, breathing slightly heavy, and climbed off of me into his seat. I sat in shock, staring at Clay as he started the car with a smirk on his face. I stayed in that position for a long time.

*(time skip because yes)

By the time we got back I had fallen asleep, and woke up to gentle arms lifting me. I groaned slightly, doing grabby hands in the general direction of Clay. He chuckled and pulled me closer, gently kissing me as he walked us inside. My eyes had already closed again snuggled up against Clay's chest, and by the time he placed a blanket over me on the couch I had fallen back to sleep.

This time I woke on my own, wincing at the afternoon sunlight pouring through the windows. The entire place around me was silent, it felt almost eerie despite the bright Florida weather outside. 

"C-clay?" I called, my voice slightly husky after sleep. No reply. "Clay??" I tried again, sitting up. Still, it remained silent. There were things by the door, he'd clearly packed for us to leave, but my eyes only landed on my own belongings. My heart beat faster as my mind started racing.

Oh, god. He's left me. He didn't wanna take care of me anymore. He's leaving me behind just like everyone else did.

Tears were already falling down my cheeks at the possibility of this thought, but then the door suddenly opened and a tall blonde walked in carrying a small bag and wearing a smile- though this started dropping when it saw me. I reached up to him and he came over and sat down beside me, hugging me and stroking my hair. A flush spread across my cheeks as I realised how stupid I was being; of course he hadn't left me. Always. We promised always.

"S-sorry, I-I was just being an idiot." in response Clay just held me tighter so I wrapped my legs around him to bury my face further into his chest. "I should apologise actually, I shouldn't have left you without telling you where I was going. Especially when you were sleeping." I sat up and rolled my eyes, more to myself than to him. Of course he would make it his fault. Of course.

"We should probably leave soon. The house was booked for a week, so we're gonna go back to mine. Is that ok?" He asked gently, stroking the remaining tears from my face with his thumb. I muttered a yes and got up from his lap, taking his hand to try and pull him with me. At this he chuckled, tugging me back onto the couch and standing up by himself- only to pull me up into a kiss. My eyes closed, my face flushed and my stomach exploded with fireworks. He grinned.                    "Let's go." 

*(ANOTHER time skip ehehehhe)

We pulled up- at least CLAY pulled us up- at some average looking apartments. Taking the bags I followed him up the stairs to room 402 (idk lol) and we went inside. It was nice, there was a large white couch and an almost equally large tv; a kitchen island with black stools by it; the walls were painted white and all the small things like blankets, cushions and pots were a light green- piss yellow for me. 
"The bathrooms just here, and the bedroom's there. You'll'll be alright sleeping in the same bed?" Clay sounded anxious, tilting his head slightly and looking a time for reassurance. I grinned at him and nodded, taking my bags into our room. There was a set of drawers up against the wall which was painted black and the carpet was dark grey. His PC and everything was in the other corner, the black light-up keyboard on green (I saw yellow). His black bed was queen-sized, up in the corner and covered in black, white, green and grey blankets & cushions. It looked so cosy in here, it was where all those conversations and all those first few feelings happened. It gave me butterflies just thinking of the things we used to say to each other.

A pair of arms gently wrapped around my stomach from behind; I felt his chin rest on my head. The warmth from Clay's body stopped me from feeling empty or alone, it took all of the negative feelings away.

"Well, what do you think?" He asked softly, his deep voice sending vibrations throughout my body. I turned in his arms to face him, tilting my head up so we could make eye contact. My hands rested on his chest while his rested on my waist. In the gentle light of the sunset he looked so gorgeous, his eyes sparkling and his dimples showing as he grinned. His nose scattered in freckles, his left eyebrow slightly raised, his lips curved into a smile. Those lips that would laugh every time I made a joke whether it was good or not, those lips that would whisper sweet nothings into my ear when I felt sad, those lips that seemed to match so perfectly against mine.

God, I love you.

"I love it."

(1287 words)

A/N- I'm not dead!! I was gone for a bit, I'm on holiday rn (or vacation whatever) and don't have as much time. I promise I'm trying, not sure how I feel about this chapter so let me know!

I didn't manage to proof read, I'll come back later and do that because I'm currently being shouted at. Vote if you enjoyed!!!

If u see this ily :3 

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