Chapter 10- Always a joke

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George's POV

We arrived back at the house, tired out and feeling positive. I was actually so sleepy that I couldn't walk properly, my legs felt so heavy from all the burning calories I never gained. Clay let me lean on him as we walked, looking at me with worry clear in his bright eyes. I smiled at him slightly, squeezing his hands to try and reassure him that I was ok. 

The moment we reached my room I collapsed on the bed and groaned. Everything ached, especially my belly. My eyes closed, but Clay wasn't planning on letting me sleep without explaining.

"Georgie, why are you so tired out?" I felt the mattress sink as he sat down beside me, and his soft hands started stroking my hair gently. I mumbled gibberish, turning onto my back and looking up at him.

"'s nothing, we just did a lot of moving around today. I'm not really used to that." He hummed in response, lying down too and facing me. My belly fluttered as those strong arms drew me close, his fingers still combing through my hair.

"So what is it actually?" Clay spoke without moving, changing position, or reacting in any way. It made me feel comfortable, yet odd.

"It is what I said, honestly. I just....I don't know, it's easier to get tired out when you don' know." His right hand left my hair, moving down and landing on my upper arm. I literally felt myself change colour at the simple action, it was so unexpected and felt right. 

"..when you don't eat?" a question, asked gently, curiously, cautiously. Things that most people heard and felt on a daily basis, but not something I was used to at all. Just care, love, kindness: they were new things to me. New, confusing, and scary things that made me feel warm inside whilst simultaneously making my stomach drop. 

"Mhm.." Every time I opened my mouth to answer my brain would panic and my fists would clench. Speaking in person had never been easy, and with Clay I got even more nervous than usual. But at the same time he made me feel more comfortable than anyone, of course flustered and shy but also safe and loved. The large hand on my arm moved again, completely absent-mindedly landing on my waist. I may has well have died right there.

A/N: The shit I'd give for a conversation/ hug with wilbur or tommy or both is worth so much. They are the most important ppl in my life and they don't know I exist. I would do anything for them and they probably find me annoying. They also both live in towns like 2 hours away. I'm so mentally shit rn lmao
(sorry I'm tryna distract myself but keep getting light headed I have eaten nothing but still managed to throw up)

"You're beautiful, Gogy." 


I froze in his arms, staring at him as if he was crazy. He stared straight back (or gay back LMAO sorry, sorry, back to the story)

"You're gorgeous. What, you don't believe me?? Look at yourself! Need me to explain?"

"Clay, I do look at myself, it's why I don't eat."

"Well you should. Honestly, you really see yourself as 'ugly'. Your hair is perfect, it always sticks up in the right places." He continued to stare at me, moving his hand as he talked about the next thing. "Your skin is so smooth, like how?? It looks like it could break under anything, you certainly do." Fingers stroked the bare skin of my lower arm, he even put his one hand around my wrist. 

"You have huge hands, you tall prick" was my only response.

"Your hands are little, I could hold about 4 of them in one of mine." I don't have four hands, but he took my two in one of his and held them up to my eyes, showing me. And then his eyes met mine and I felt as though I might pass out. 

"And your eyes, Georgie. I feel like I get lost in them every time I see them," I scoffed at this, "I'm serious. I don't think I've ever seen eyes as beautiful as yours. Just a cinnamon brown, a slightly orange chocolate. They were the first thing I noticed about you when I joined your stream for the first time. And they were the first thing I noticed now." My heart skipped a beat when his gaze travelled over my lips, but he made no comment and just looked back at our enlocked hands.

"Well...I'm colourblind, so all I see your eyes as is piss yellow." I burst out laughing, and he stared at me with mock offense. "Pissbaby" I managed between giggles, and I heard him chuckle too. I also looked up to see him getting closer, felt him pick me up and then stand from the bed with me in his arms.

"Well, at least I'm not a bottom." His voice was deep and threatening, so close to my ear that I felt his warm breath on my neck. However, those words happened to be rude, so I jumped down and glared at him (jokily of course). I then proceeded to exit my room into the kitchen, where Nick and Karl were, muttering under my breath, 

"I'm not a stupid bottom." The other two burst out laughing, but before I could flip them off I yet again felt hands on me.

One on the back of my neck, holding it, and the other under my chin, tilting my head up to stare into the bright eyes of Clay. 

"What are you.." He pulled us closer, grinning, our faces nearing each other. The grip on my neck was gentle, but I didn't want to pull away. I  wanted this. Whatever 'this' is. 

Our lips were almost touching. My stomach had turned into a bird and flown away. My eyes were about to close, I had completely given into his touch, I was looking up just to see him, and then he grinned. Then, in that moment, seeing that stupid smile on his face, I realised it was a joke, to prove a point, to win an argument. I pulled away before he could, my face burning, my fists clenched. He giggled at my expression, turned, and walked into his room.

"Wha-what....what the FUCK was THAT?!?!?!?!"

(1044 words)

Ok this is shit, I'll probably completely rewrite it, but I really wanted to update today. I'll update as soon as I can, please vote if you enjoyed.

Whoever sees this I love you <3

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