chapter 4- back to the beginning

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meredith woke up startled by the sound of vacuuming, which was very odd. she got up and tossed on an Oxford crewneck to go see what was happening in the living room.

"why are you doing that?" meredith was lost as cristina vacuumed the floor while jamming out to frank ocean

"don't be all dark and twisty, help me clean!" cristina exclaimed

meredith rolled her eyes and went to her office, she wasn't on call that day so she figured she would look further into Seattle Grace's internship program, where she would hopefully be spending not too long practicing medicine in. she opened her laptop and decided to go check if Chief Burton responded first. to her surprise he replied saying that he agreed for her to follow through with her proposal and even wished her luck. after closing that tab, she moved on to finding more about Seattle Grace. meredith later discovered that it was the best hospital in Seattle, which reassured her, knowing that she was receiving top class education.


a few hours later...

"hey cristina, i have some like life changing news." meredith said nervously, while pouring cristina and herself a glass of wine

"well it can't be that life changing, you're a pretty boring person." cristina said with no remorse

"shut up, i'm moving back to Seattle to care for my mother who got diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimers." meredith announced


"calm down, the bitch gave me no out i'm practically being forced to care for her, and Burton said that i can alternate between here and Seattle every week. i have a spot in the Seattle Grace internship program where i will be working at, until, i can convince the American Board of Surgery that i will be a great surgeon that specializes in not one but four specialties."

"well you are awfully calm"

"i'm not, i wanna kevorkian her with my bare hands. not to mention i'm going to have to put up with her delusional state every other day."

"its ok, you'll do fine, your freakin' Meredith Grey, a force of nature."

her head rested on cristina's shoulder as they stared into the distance.


a week later...

meredith was scrubbing out of her last surgery as a fully certified surgeon. she was gonna miss the rush of being in control and the mesmerizing stares from the gallery as she operated. her plane would be taking off in 3 hours, so she changed into comfy clothes and said goodbye to her colleagues. cristina drove her back to the apartment to grab the three suitcases filled with possessions she was going to leave in Seattle. they headed off to London City Airport and said their farewells.

she got to the gate thirty minutes before take off and immediately boarded the plane. she shoved her carry on into the overhead bin and shimmied into the window seat. she dozed off and when she woke up, they were in Boston.

meredith was not ready to deal with her mother whatsoever but ellis needed to be transported to Seattle one way or another. she hailed a taxi and headed over to the condo ellis had been hiding out in.

"who are you?" a rather tall slender man asked as he opened the door for meredith

"meredith grey, ellis's daughter, i'm here to take her to Seattle." she replied

"oh yes, she's been waiting for you, let me go get her ready, and don't mind if she calls you something other than your name, she has progressed since the last time you've spoken to her."

"okay, thanks."

five minutes later ellis appeared at the door with her assistant, who had all of her luggage.

"hello fellow surgeon, are you ready to scrub in"

meredith stood there knowing she was going to be in for a long day.

during their journey to Seattle together, ellis threw two fits, one about cutting the hepatic artery by accident during an imaginary surgery and another one about someone not filling out her paperwork. meredith didn't know how to deal with her, she was fed up and embarrassed, so she gave ellis Xanax to calm her down and knock her out. the rest of the flight was silent.


11:00am in Seattle...

after meredith checked ellis into Roseridge and filled the paperwork out, she had a meeting with Richard Webber. she hopped into her rental car and drove off to Seattle Grace.

"hello meredith, you are a spitting image of your mother, i cannot wait to see you grow into a wonderful surgeon." richard praised.

meredith laughed to herself

"little does he know i've done all of this already," she thought to herself as she put on a fake smile and took a seat.

the whole meeting consisted of richard blabbering about the program and at the very end, he invited meredith to the intern mixer that took place tomorrow night. she politely accepted the invite and left the hospital. when she arrived back to her childhood home, shivers fell through her spine as she walked in. she was spiraling backwards not forwards in her life, something nobody ever wished for.



like promised i am updating again. this chapter was kinda boring but i swear it will get more interesting:)) don't forget to vote and comment feedback! see you when i update again<3

- H.L.

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