chapter 11- dream girl

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          ever since derek was a child he always dreamed of his future love, she was smart, badass, and gorgeous. he thought addison was the one for him, but he was wrong. meredith grey. meredith grey was all he ever wanted in a woman, she not only was badass but she radiated with beauty. she was the one he wanted to live to 110 with, she brought out the best in him and even if it meant he had to travel between countries just to see her, he would do anything to be with his dream girl.

       they ran out the car to see the damage caused by the accident, this wasn't new turf for meredith but derek was totally out of his element. he made sure to stick with her no matter what, just in case she got hurt or if she needed help, which was pretty obvious in this case. 

"derek go to my car and grab my first aid kit and dial 999, tell them we have a multi car wreck, four adults, three children"

"ok mer, are you sure you're fine here"

"yes, hurry derek"

derek ran over to the Porsche while meredith tended to the hurt citizens, adrenaline coursed through their bodies as they fought to keep them alive.

"ok i dialed emergency services, what else can i do?" derek was panting from the running he just endured

"apply pressure to this wound, i'm going to go check the others"

"ok, ok i gotcha"

meredith ran over to the other car where the family of five was stuck.

"hi my name is dr.grey, we are going to get you guys out of here, what's your name"

"amia, this is my husband carter please dr.grey save our children first, especially if anything happens to us"

"amia, we are going to try and get all of you out, stay put."

meredith ran back to derek who was still applying pressure on one of the victims wounds.

"derek, we have to go back to the other car, theres a whole family stuck"

"crap, okay um you press firmly on your wound, if you need more gauze it is right here." derek quickly gave the man extra gauze and ran over to the other car.

"mer do you have anything that can shatter a window?"

"i have a flashlight"


derek took the flashlight and smashed the window of the already damaged car, meredith reached in to grab the three tiny children in the back.

"okay, i'll take the kids and put them next to the other victims, try getting the parents out"

"be careful mer, you're bleeding"

"i'll be fine go help the parents"

as she took the kids back to the other two victims, derek tried to pry the door of the car open but it wouldn't budge.

"mer, it's not budging and the dads losing consciousness"

"shit, where's emergency services?" meredith questioned as she stared at the car for a possible way to retrieve the couple

"they said they were coming 20 minutes ago, probably traffic"

"okay, hold on, wait"


before derek could get another word out of his mouth, meredith climbed the car to the sunroof. using the flashlight to her advantage, she smashed the glass that hovered above the restrained couple.

"god damn it mer you're a genius" derek exasperated as he watched the love of his life climb in the car

"derek, get me something flat and hard to support their necks"

"ok, i'll be right back" he ran back to car trunk and found two cardboard boxes that were sturdy enough to support their airways

"here, this should help" derek climbed on to the car to hand meredith the two cardboard pieces and medical tape

"ok, support the dad's airway while i tape this board on to amia's neck"

meredith taped the board to amia making sure it supported every breath she took, she then turned to carter but noticed he wasn't responsive.

"derek, his pupils are blown, we have to get him out of here"

"carter, carter stay with us babe" amia cried out as she tried to look at him the best she could

"amia stay calm, we will make sure you both are alive by the end of the day" meredith reassured the worried wife as she signaled derek to grasp the barely conscious man by the arms while she climbed in to give his bottom a boost out of the top of the car

"ok mer, i got him, he's out" he laid carter flat on the ground and started compressions

"keep doing compressions, i need to get amia"

derek responded with a nod, he was too focused on his compressions

"ok amia, do you have feeling in your legs still?"

"yeah i can wiggle my toes"

"ok that's great, i'm gonna get you out of here"

meredith climbed into the seat where carter was recently pulled from, she grabbed amia by her armpits and told her to push herself slightly up to boost her out. meredith successfully removed amia from the vehicle and placed her down next to her husband.

"how is he doing?" meredith asked while trying to catch her breath

"pupils are still blown, possible bleed, where the hell is the damn ambulance"

right when derek finished that sentence, red and blue lights illuminated the scene.

"thank god" meredith managed to get out before running into action, she met with the other emt's and quickly brought the gurney over to carter and derek

"derek you need to transport him while doing compressions, is that ok?"

"totally fine, let's just hurry"

they quickly rushed carter into the ambulance and meredith stayed behind to load the other victims into the rigs.


      both meredith and derek had just scrubbed out, amia had suffered crush injuries to her abdomen while carter had a brain bleed. thankfully, meredith had fixed amia's abdominal injuries and derek evacuated carter's brain bleed.

"that was crazy, you were amazing mer" derek complimented her as he ripped his ferry boat scrub cap off his head

"thanks, that was nothing, you should've seen this other time where a lad's head got penetrated with a knife on the side of the road" meredith explained as she walked with a tablet in one hand

"lad? you say lad, wow what did britain do to you?"

"made me better than you, lad" she said with a smirk as she playfully hit his chest

"you just make me wanna..." derek grabbed meredith by the waist and pulled her in for a kiss, they fell into sync until a scrub nurse walked into the room

"that was wow" meredith was shocked while she recovered from that heart wrenching kiss

"wow? that was some of my best work dr.grey"

"really dr. shepherd? you should save some of your skills for tonight"

"do i?"

"damn right you do"

meredith playfully threw her damp towel at him while he tickled her. derek never felt so happy. her giggles were infectious, and the lavender scent that perfumed off of her delicate skin tugged at his heart every single time. this was what he longed for and he finally got it. his dream girl.



sry for abandoning the story, spring break was eventful and i just didn't have time to update. i did map out the story though and i have an ending, but that won't be happening anytime soon lol. see you the next time i update:))) don't forget to vote and comment<3


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