chapter 16- time and patience

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        there was immense pressure. it was even more than the first time she did a solo surgery, she had to impress the hospital with her surgical technique. it was an in utero fetoscopic repair of myelomeningocele on a fetus at 26 weeks. meredith had done risky procedures on fetus' but not as risky as this one, the parents had trusted her with their child, she couldn't fuck it up.

"good afternoon everyone, hope you all had a lot of coffee, this is going to be a long one," meredith said as she gowned and gloved

as she looked up the gallery was filled with staff curious about her transition from intern to attending, focused on the chief who was sitting right in the front and derek right beside him. derek hadn't seen meredith work in fetal yet so he was also nervous for her, bracing his hands on to the sides of the chair.

"fetoscope please," meredith was starting her procedure now, everything else disappeared, it was just her and the instrument navigating its way through the patients occupied uterus

"well i'd be damned, she is a surgeon, a good one too," bailey was in awe as she watched meredith reach the spine of the fetus

it had been a while since she got to cut like this but it felt amazing. meredith felt like a conductor of an orchestra as she repaired the myelomeningocele and reversed the spina bifida. she loved the feeling of everyone staring at her in confusion, wondering why and how she was so good.

"well it looks like i'm finished here, we can close and get this mommy into the PACU," meredith took a large breath as the gallery clapped for her, she was meredith grey again, not an imposter.


"that was amazing mer," derek was probably the most proud of her for rising above and showing everyone that she was capable

"thank you, what did richard say?" meredith wanted to give off a good impression to the chief especially so she could win chief of fetal

"he didn't say much, i think he was taking in the moment," he leaned in to give her a kiss on the forehead

"that's all that happened?"

"yes, meredith, stop worrying you just pulled off an amazing surgery in front of the whole hospital,"

"i don't care about that, i just really need this job, like badly"

"i know"


       alex, izzie, and george had grew fond of meredith even though she was very suspicious. she  distanced herself from them and always looked so tired, not to mention the two weeks she had off for a discreet reason. after a long weekend off they were dreading to go back to grunt work and suturing but it all came with the price of becoming a surgeon.

"hey guys," izzie had just come in while holding a giant basket of muffins

"what's with the muffins?" george asked while reaching to grab one

"back off pretty boy, these are for bailey," she was going to butter her up for surgeries with the only other skill she had, baking

"are you seriously going to bribe her with muffins?" alex was over with the whole intern thing, he just wanted to go home

"it's my last shot alex, maybe you should try thinking outside of the box,"

"back off," he rolled his eyes at her and shoved his street clothes into the locker

"where's meredith?" george had noticed she was usually here by this time

"she's probably late, maybe she was doing a secret heist or banging shepherd,"

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