chapter 22-roots

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just for clarification Derek is 28 and Mer is 21, i messed up their ages badly in the beginning of the story.

On the last day the couple was in New York, Meredith was phoned by Jackson Avery--well he was known as Jackie to her--he wanted her to pay a visit to the Catherine Fox Hospital in LA, especially after her nomination for the most prestigious award in surgery.

"Jackie you know how busy I am and airfare is no joke right now, you want me to fly to LA from New York and then back to the UK?" She knew she could afford the trips but Meredith was trying to get out of having to see the whole Avery family, who  practically raised her until she left for Europe.

"Mer you're acting like my family doesn't own a whole private jet system, i'll get you to where you need to be. Trust me, mom's been nagging me to ask you ever since we heard you're back in Seattle." 

"Fine, anything for mom." Catherine Fox was basically Meredith's mom up until the age of 14, the only reason why she didn't answer address Catherine on the phone more lovingly during her nomination was because she was too scared to be unprofessional. 

"Great, i'll call for your plane to pick you up tomorrow at JFK at 1pm. Oh yeah please bring Dr. Shepherd too, mom has been trying to catch a flight to Seattle to meet your suspected bachelor."

"Ugh how did she even find out, she's been on me about my love life since I graduated high school. Of course i'll bring him, we're actually in New York visiting his family." 

"It's my mom Mer what did you expect? So you're friends with the family now, Meredith Grey committing to a relationship? Where's the old Mer I want her back."

"I'm shiny and new Jackie, you're just going to have to get use to it." She smiled and hung up, turning around to see Derek leaning on the door frame of his childhood room.

"So who's this Jackie and is he trying to steal my girl?"

"That was Jackson Avery, Jackie, I've known him since I was five. Our parents did their fellowship together at Grace, trust me there is no competition with him, I am very much yours." Her and Jackie were like brother and sister, no matter how green his eyes were.

"So you're telling me you are best friends with the son of actual surgical royalty? You never fail to surprise me Mer."

"Jackie is far from royalty, we both hate the legacies that we have to live up to, it gives us something to bond about. Anyways, how does visiting LA sound? He wants us to go visit the Catherine Fox Hospital, actually, more like begged. His mom raised me till I left for the UK so I have to make sure to pay her a visit too." Meredith was now on a rambling tangent.

"I'd do anything to meet your family and surgical royalty too."

"Great, Jackie got us a private jet that leaves at 1 tomorrow."

The pair spent their last day in New York with the Shepherd family in Manhattan, sight seeing and ice skating, soaking in every last moment before they had to go back to reality.


"I knew the Avery's were filthy rich but not this filthy rich." Derek was in shock as the flight attendant poured him a glass of champagne.

"Yeah you should see their houses, they have so many I can't even choose a favorite. But they aren't even snobby, that's why I love them." She was used to private jet flying, her mom was a member to a private jet association because she always had somewhere to be.

"Back in New York everyone had a private jet at the practice, I wasn't even interested in one, I was very happy with my car collection." 

"Derek Shepherd living a fancy life? You don't peg me as one of those private practice snobs" 

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