chapter 12- deja vu

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      deja vu. meredith swore she had been reliving her past intern and residency days which were horrible. she was in the middle of publishing a new study and bam the universe had decided to turn on her. her hope was beginning to diminish as she forced herself to get up at 5 am for rounds, at least she got to be on derek's service in which he gave her tremendous advantages and even let her give her medical opinion on cases. the whole hospital questioned meredith and derek's relationship, rumors spread after meredith disappeared for two weeks with no explanation, her intern group being the most curious.

"good morning george, izzie, alex" meredith greeted them while running into the locker room, she missed two alarms that morning after doing paperwork for the her neuro department and research for her postponed study all night.

"you look like crap," alex laughed while studying meredith effortlessly throwing on her scrubs

"long night, very busy" meredith answered while changing the batteries of her pager

"doing what? banging shepherd?"

"i am not banging shepherd, just because we have a good work relationship doesn't mean i'm doing him, i have a personal life ya know"

"sure mer" alex left the room as he wrapped his stethoscope around his neck


"good morning dr. shepherd," meredith greeted him with poise, just in case someone was watching them

"morning dr,grey, we have a craniotomy scheduled for later, but until then you can help me out with these charts," derek led her into a conference room and shut the door, he kissed her profusely after not being able to make out with her ever since they got back to the UK.

"good morning to you too," meredith giggled as she fixed her lab coat

"i missed you so much"

"i missed you more"

they both sat at the table sorting out the charts until meredith's phone started to ring

"hello is this dr. grey"

"hello dr. grey, this is garry steinfeld from the American Board of Surgery, i am glad to inform that you are able to become a surgeon here, as long as you take the board examinations, you will be receiving a letter shortly in the mail regarding your examination date as well as where you will be taking it. do you have any questions?

"oh my god, thank you so much garry, is there anything else i have to complete?" she exclaimed while giving the largest smile to derek

"no, if i am correct you are a surgeon in four fields?"

"yeah, will that affect anything?"

"if you wish to continue these four fields you will have to do four separate sessions  in order to become certified"

"i am perfectly fine with that"

"ok, good luck dr.grey"

derek was confused as meredith launched herself into his arms.

"mer what happened?"

"the American Board of Surgery wants me derek!"

"that's amazing mer, we won't have to work in secret anymore"

meredith was crying tears of joy, she never felt so relieved, all she had to do was pass the four tests and she could finally practice medicine again

"all i have to do is pass the boards"

"when is that?"

"i don't know they said i should be receiving a letter in the mail, i'm gonna go back during my lunch to get it"

"does richard know?"

"no, i'm gonna keep it a secret until i pass"

"that's fine with me"

derek pulled her in for another hug, he was ecstatic for her especially because he knew how defeated she felt when she arrived back to Seattle. 


        her hands gripped tightly on to the steering wheel of her newly leased Lexus, meredith was finally feeling like herself again and now she was going to be a badass surgeon here in Seattle. as she pulled up to her house, she sprinted to the mailbox and inside was the ticket that would set her free from the turmoil she has been enduring for the past three months. 

       four months. four months to prepare for four different tests while doing an internship, she was going to have to study like she did back at harvard, sleep would be the last thing she got.

"derek i have four fucking months" meredith told him through the phone as she scanned the letter again

"mer you'll be fine, you know all of it already"

"did you forget i'm a quadruple surgeon who is currently doing a freaking internship in which they treat me like i am a fucking puppet who only knows how to chart. not to mention the study i was supposed to publish a year ago is now being postponed."

"mer you will be okay, i can help you study and manage. i'm here for you"

"thank you, i have to head back to the hospital for the craniotomy, don't start scrubbing without me"

"i'll be waiting"

the moment was finally here as meredith arrived back to the hospital. she wasn't going to be a burden on herself, she was going to rise above and be a force of nature.



 might update again later idk! don't forget to comment and vote:))


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