Chapter 17

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I woke to the sound of a familiar raspy voice rambling about in a solum tone. I let out a yawn and stretched my limbs before curling up into Jason's side. My ears were still foggy, so I could hardly tell what he was saying, but he sounded irritated. I rubbed my sleep-filled eyes and glanced up to see him frowning. His phone was pressed to his ear as he shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"Yeah, I understand. I'll be there soon, Cap." He sighed out before hanging up the phone. He noticed me looking up at him, and immediately his face softened. "Morning, sweetheart." He smiled, brushing a few loose strands of hair from my face. 

"Good morning." I smiled, leaning up and puckering my lips for a kiss. He placed a swift one on my lips and then another one on my forehead. "So, what was that attitude all about?" I asked, referring to the phone call.

Jason shook his head before answering, "I got called into work." He gruntled. "I was looking forward to a full weekend off for once, but that went to hell." He stated, resting his head back on his felt headboard. "I guess a few of the guys got some type of stomach bug, so I'm gonna have to go fill in and make sure we're covered."

I let out a disappointed moan and buried my face in the crook of his neck. I breathed in his scent that I could never get enough of. That delicious clean, and crisp scent with a hint of spice got me every time. 

"I was hoping I'd get to just lay here with you all day." I whined.

Jason stroked my hair gently with his hand before twirling a pinch full of the stands around his pointer finger. "Me too baby girl." He whispered. "If I could,  I would."

I draped my arm across his stomach and moved my head to where it was resting on his firm chest as the conversation we had last night began to flood my brain. I still couldn't believe how much this man had endured and how he was still so put together...or holding it together at the least. "How are you today by the way?" I asked. "You sure you're feeling up to working?"

"I'm okay." He assured me, knowing exactly what I was talking about. "I know what I told you was pretty intense, but I promise I'm good, Liv. I actually feel relieved that I got to talk about it with you."

I smiled, knowing that he felt that way about sharing his past with me. I was nervous about opening up to him too, so I knew exactly how he felt last night, but I was glad that we were learning to trust each other.

 "That makes me happy. I'm here for you just like you always have been for me."

"You're like a breath of fresh air, Liv, you know that?" He asked, looking down at me. "I just look at you and feel your presence, and suddenly everything feels okay." 

My heart warmed at the sound of him saying that. "You give me that feeling too." I bubbled as he interlaced our fingers. "I haven't been this happy in so long, Jase."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. They brushed against each other as soft as a pair of butterfly wings before crushing together in pure passion. The warmth of his hands groping onto my body sent shock waves throughout me. Neither of us could manage to break eye contact as we pulled away, our noses lightly tapping against one another. 

"Me either." He breathed out. "Not in my entire life." 

I smiled before pulling his face back to mine, kissing him deeper and deeper with every ounce of passion I felt for him. He swiftly maneuvered himself on top of me, and I sunk into the bed beneath him, running my fingers through his morning hair. His lips began to hungrily crush into mine as we indulged ourselves fully into kissing and each other. The weight of his strong body on top of me, brushing against me as we moved, sent jolts of ecstasy throughout me. 

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