Chapter 40

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My mind raced with grave thoughts throughout the night, making it impossible to sleep more than two or three hours at a time. I was worried, scared even due to what I had witnessed from Jason tonight. Not scared of him, but for him. I was afraid of what he might do next, how badly he might hurt himself.

My fingers ran through my tangled hair as I let out a sigh, turning to check on Jason for what had to be the tenth time tonight. However, what I was left to stare at was an empty space beside me. My heart nearly leaped out of my chest as I swung my arm across the bed in his place, testing to see if my eyes were fooling me at this early hour, but they weren't. He was gone, long gone because the bedsheets no longer held warmth from his body. Instead, the satin fabric was chilled from the AC blowing directly over them.

Immediately I reached for my phone and dialed Jason's number, one time, two times, three times, and a fourth before giving up. Each time I got sent straight voicemail meaning his phone had been turned off. In the moments of speculation as to where he might have gone and what he might have done, I was filled with anxiety. Since I didn't know who else to call, I dialed Cassie's number, praying that she would pick up. My clammy hand shook against the cool glass of my phone as it rang, praying every second for an answer.

"Babes?" Cassie called out from the other end of the line.

A massive sigh of relief escaped me as her voice filled my ears, but it was short-lived as the gravity of the situation I was in came crashing back down.

"Babes, it's like four in the morning. Why are you up?"

"C-Cassie, Jason's gone."

There was a pause before she spoke, her voice filled with confusion, "What do you mean Jason's gone, Olivia? Did you break up?"

"No," My voice cracked as I shook my head. "You remember how I told you about his dad being in town?" I asked, trying my hardest to keep my composure.

Cassie let out a soft "mhm" before I continued, "I-I guess his step-mom came too because she showed up at our apartment during the night...and dropped a huge bomb on him...she told him his dad only has a couple of months left to live basically, and he took it hard."

I could hear Grayson babbling in the background as Cassie excused herself while she adjusted him.

"His step-mom showed up?" Cassie asked to clarify what she had just heard. "His step-mom, who he's never met, never knew existed, just showed up and told him all of that?" She asked, completely bewildered. "I still don't understand why he left though."

"I don't know either, Cassie. I just need help. I have to find him. He wasn't in his right mind all night...he punched the mirror in our bedroom and shattered it, damn near broke his hand."

"What?!" Cassie explained, "Hold on, Russ and I are going to come over there. I need to understand what's going on, babes."

"I'm so sorry, Cass, I know it's a crazy hour, but-"

"Liv, we've been up all night with your Godson anyway. We'll be right over."

"Okay," I whispered before ending the call and tumbling out of bed.

I flicked on the lights to the bedroom and looked around, carefully scanning to see if I could pick up on anything out of the ordinary. Surely enough, my eyes landed on Jason's leather wallet and cellphone, which was facedown on the mahogany dresser. Not only was his phone off, but he had left it. The impending feeling of helplessness washed over me as it dawned on me that we likely had no way of getting in contact with him now.

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