Chapter 24

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My heart felt as if it had fallen to my stomach as those words left Jason's mouth. I gripped onto the phone tighter, swallowing hard.

"Well, what did they say?" My voice shook nervously.

Jason sighed on the other end of the phone. An eerie silence followed his lack of words.

"Jason?" I called out, leaning forward and pressing the phone tighter to my ear.

"Sorry I uh, I haven't listened to it yet. I was hoping you'd come listen with me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous as hell right now."

"Yeah, of course I'll be right over. Are you close by?"

"I'm pulling into the parking garage."

"Okay, I'll be over in a few, let me just try and let Cassie know I'm leaving."

"Thank you sweetheart, we brought you ice cream by the way because Hannah refused to leave without getting you some."

I couldn't but to smile at the fact that Hannah had thought about me and was growing to like me. It meant everything.

"I'll be sure to thank her when I see you guys, and don't worry Jason. You're going to be okay." I promised, nodding my head.

"I'll see you soon baby. Just let yourself in."


My now sweaty palms lowered the phone before I hung it up as a deep sigh released itself from my chest. I made my way over to Cassie's door knocking in hopes that she would answer, but she didn't.

"Cassie?" I called out, attempting to twist the door knob. Of course she locked it. "Cass seriously? You're going to have to talk to me sooner or later."

Still nothing.

"Well I'm going to Jason's, he just got the DNA results back..." My voice trailed off, hoping she'd say something.

Nothing again.

"Okay...I'll see you tonight. I'm coming back home to figure out what's going on with you and I will knock this door down if you pull this with me again."

For another moment I stood there hoping for an ounce of sound from Cassie but it never came. I shook my head before making my way to the door and going back over to Jasons.

As soon as I walked in I saw him sitting on the black leather sofa, his leg bouncing anxiously. Hannah was sitting on the rug playing with some legos and eating an ice cream cone.

"Livia! We put your ice cream in the freezer." She cheesed, running up to me with open arms.

I knelt down to her level, pulling her into a hug and kissing her warm cheek. "Thank you sweet girl, what flavor did you get me?"

"Bubby said your favorite is cookies and cream so we got that one."

My eyes glanced up at Jason who shot me a small smile.

"Thank you guys, I can't wait to eat it."

"Hey Hannah, bubby needs to go talk to Olivia okay? We'll be right back." He stated, rising from the couch.

Hannah nodded, skipping back over to her spot on the rug to resume playing with her legos.

Jason grabbed onto my hand tightly, as if he was willing my touch to relieve him of the pressure he was feeling. He led us into his bedroom, cracking the door behind us before sitting at the edge of his neatly made bed.

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