Chapter 26

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"Hey, man! How's it going?" Russ called out as I entered the bay. The large black duffle bag filled with my belongings for the night pained my shoulder as I walked in his direction.

I dropped the bag at my feet as soon as I stood face to face with Russ who's brows rose at my demeanor. "Tired as hell, man. I had Hannah yesterday because she was too sick to go to school. My parents couldn't miss work, so I had to keep her at my place...poor baby was throwing up all day."

Russ grimaced, shaking his head in dismay. "My poor Hannah bear...and speaking of throwing up...that's all Cassie's been doing for the past few weeks. Like this morning sickness shit is more of an all-day sickness for her."

"Oh, that's rough man, Liv told me she's been really sick. I hate to hear that."

"It's so sad. Especially since I can't be with her all the time to comfort her, you know? I hate having to leave for 24 hours at a time." He sighed, leaning against the shiny red paint of the ladder truck. "On the bright side, she's well into her second trimester, so hopefully, it stops soon."

"Wow already?!" I exclaimed, watching as Russ nodded his head in response. "That's crazy how fast time is moving, bro...before you know it, your baby's going to be here."

Russ let out a loud sigh, running his fingers through his hair. "I's hard to believe, honestly. We find out what we're having next week."

"Next week?!" I reiterated, a smile growing on my face. "That's great news, and I know the girls are going to go crazy buying clothes after that."

We both laughed, knowing what a ball they'd have shopping for the baby. "Have you guys found a new apartment?"

Russ shook his head. "We've been looking, but Cassie is so picky...and her tastes are really...expensive." He chuckled.

"Why don't you just move into her apartment with her, and maybe Liv can move in with me," I suggested with a shrug.

Russ furrowed his brows, crossing his arms over his chest. "Have you talked to Olivia about moving in together?"

"No." I shook my head. "But I mean...we've been really good, so maybe I could ask her...or do you think that's a bad idea?"

Russ shrugged his shoulders as I swallowed the lump that had suddenly formed in my throat.

"Talk to her...I don't hate the idea if she's up for living with you." He smirked, causing me to shoot him a look.

"Why'd you say it like I'm a hard person to live with?"

Russ's eyebrows shot up in utter surprise but then held his hands up in surrender. "Nothing, nothing." He laughed. "In other news, we get the new medic today..." He sang, changing the topic.

My head fell to the side, puzzled as to what he was talking about. "New Medic?"

"Um yeah, Tracey had to take care of her parents back in Nevada so that she won't be back."

"Ah, I must have missed that one." I shrugged, grabbing my bag to go and set up my dorm for the night. "I'm gonna go get my stuff together, and I'll come back out here and help you check the equipment."

Russ nodded as I made my way into the station, greeting the other men who were already inside as I made my way to my dorm.

The room was tiny, with just a single bed and nightstand inside. The walls were solid white, with the one behind the bed made of old, red brick. There was a large window on the brick wall, so sunlight peered in, making it seem airier. The mattress was stripped bare by the person who used the room last shift so that I could put my sheets on for the night.

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