Chapter 31

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"Liv, you wanna come and sit down sweetheart?" Jason's voice rang through the empty waiting room. I froze in place, turning to look at him and running a hand through my hair to get it out of my face. It was getting on my nerves...everything was right now.

"No," I asserted, shaking my head. "I can't sit, Jase. I'm too nervous."

Jason stood up from his seat and made his way over to me. His arms found their way around my back, gently holding me close to him. "Everything is going to be okay." He assured me as I laced my arms around his waist, sinking into his firm chest. "I'm sure Russ will be out soon to give us some good news."

It had been three weeks since the accident happened, three weeks since I'd spoken to my best friend or even seen her awake, and three weeks that she'd been fighting for her life. She started to show some progress over the last week and was able to carry her baby for much longer than we expected, but things took a turn for the worse early this morning and the decision had to be made to rush her into the OR for a c-section. As hard as she fought to keep her son inside her, the trauma from the accident ultimately brought about the need for premature delivery to give both of them the best shot.

Things went south so suddenly that all of us were kind of surprised including her doctors. They were ready to start weaning her off of the medication and everything. She was going to wake up soon but there always had to be a roadblock, didn't there?

"I hope so Jase because any more bad news and I'm going to explode."

"Well look, let's try and focus on the good news we have already. She was able to carry him to 23 weeks so he has a chance, and now that her body is under a lot less stress she does too. I just have a feeling everything is going to work itself out sweetheart."

I sighed softly, holding onto Jason even tighter. His hand gently rubbed circles onto my back in an attempt to soothe my nerves. He has been there supporting me through the many breakdowns I've had over the last few weeks. Caring for me, listening to anything I had to say, and holding me when I woke up in the middle of the night crying because of nightmares.

"I'm just scared, scared of what might happen to her baby." I muttered, feeling tears begging to fall and soaking into the fabric of his sweatshirt.

"I know sweetheart but you have to be positive okay?"

"I know but it's so's hard when we take one step forward and then two steps back almost every fucking week. It's always something."

Jason sighed, resting his head on top of mine as he held me securely in his arms unsure what else to say. I appreciated his optimism, I did but things weren't looking so hot. Delivering the baby was going to be one of the last efforts performed to get Cassie back on track and if that didn't work we'd probably have to start talking about removing her off of life support.

The doctor mentioned that this morning and my sanity hadn't returned since. Just three weeks ago she was alive, talking and laughing, excited to be a new mom and now she was literally on her death bed. It's crazy how fast things can happen and just how instantly the ones you love can be taken from you.

"Do you want to run to the cafeteria? Maybe get something to eat?" He proposed softly, pulling back just enough to gaze down into my puffy, red eyes.

I shook my head before resting it back against his chest.

"Baby you're losing weight because you aren't eating, this isn't okay," Jason stressed, pulling back once more and this time my brows scrunched together in frustration.

I didn't want to eat, I couldn't eat, and I was tired of being asked to do so over the last few weeks.

"I don't want to eat anything, I'll throw it back up."

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