Chapter 27

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*Contains sexually explicit content*


"Hey Russ, Jason was at work with you, wasn't he?" I asked, strolling into the living area where he was massaging Cassie's feet. She now had an adorable baby bump, and her ankles were already beginning to swell. On the bright side, she hadn't been getting sick as often, so that was a plus for everyone around her.

Russ glanced up from what he was doing, slightly puzzled as to why I was asking. "Yeah, he was there. Why...everything okay?"

I sighed, plopping down on the sofa beside Cassie, who then rested her head on my shoulder. Her wild curls tickled the skin on my cheek as I let my hands fall to my lap.

"I mean...I hope everything's okay...he hasn't texted or called me at all this morning, and that's unlike him, so I wanted to ask you."

Russ pulled his brows together in confusion before checking his own phone to see if maybe he'd said something to him.

"I don't know Liv, I didn't see him when I was leaving, but he should have said something...maybe Cap needed him to stay behind or something." He shrugged.

"Yeah, maybe...but you'd think he'd at least let me know...I'm gonna try calling him again."

"I'm sure he's fine babes, he probably got caught up," Cassie interjected before spinning her head around in Russ's direction and glaring at him. "Russ did that to me before."

"I didn't mean to, honey. You know that." He pouted, beginning to massage her foot again.

Redialing Jason's number, my leg bounced up and down, anxiously awaiting his answer. Of course, it rang until his voicemail came on, and I let out an annoyed groan before hanging up and tossing the phone aside.

"He better have a good reason for ignoring my calls."

"I'm sure he does," Russ assured me. "It's not like him to just go ghost on everyone."

"Yeah..." I trailed off, nodding my head with my fingers twiddling nervously against each other. My eyes drifted down to Cassie's belly as she stroked at the growing bump that was forming. In dire need of a distraction, I changed the subject. "In other news, you literally started showing overnight! Look at this little bump!" I cheered.

Cassie's face lit up at my excitement. "I know. I'm so excited to find out if it's a boy or girl! Our appointment is tomorrow morning." She smiled.

"What do you think you're having?"

"I think it's a boy, but Russ is just so sure it's a girl." She chattered, rolling her eyes.

I looked over at Russ, who had a sly smile on his face. "I just have a feeling it's a girl."

"Well, what do you think, Liv?" Cassie asked, cocking her head to the side.

"Hmm." I trailed off, examining her belly. "I'm gonna say it's a boy too."

"Oh, you're just saying that to make her happy!" Russ countered.

"Am not! I really think it's a boy."

Russ waved me off, causing both Cassie and I to laugh as he sulked in his seat.

A little over an hour had passed when my phone finally vibrated, and a call from Jason came through. As I picked up and answered the phone, my heart pounded as if it were running a marathon. I couldn't figure out whether I was more relieved or upset about his calling me back at damn near noon after his shift ended at seven in the morning.

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