Chapter 25

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"Jase?" I called out into the phone, resting my head against the fluffy white pillows behind me.

"Hey sweetheart, is everything okay with Cassie? Russ just called me to see if there was any update."

"I talked to her." 

That was the only thing I could think to say to him. I didn't want to tell him she was pregnant...I didn't know if she'd be okay with him knowing. "She's okay, but she's definitely in need of some support right now. Let's just put it that way."

Jason stayed silent for a moment before huffing into the phone. "Does it have anything to do with Russ? I need to tell him, something sweetheart. He's actually going crazy."

"She's going to call him tonight," I assured him, twisting the string on the black hoodie I wore. "She's in the shower right now, but when she gets out, she'll call."

"Okay...well, I'm obviously across the hall if either of you needs anything, okay?"

My face brightened slightly as the soothing tone of his voice filled my ears. "I know. Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight, beautiful."

I hung up the phone and let it plop down on the bed beside me. My door creaked open not even a second later, and in walked a much more refreshed and collected Cassie. There was life in her eyes again. Although they were still very puffy from crying, it was enough to bring a smile to my face.

"Feeling better?" I asked as she climbed into bed beside me.

Cassie nodded her head, running her fingers through her damp curls. "I'm still scared shitless." She laughed, shaking her head. "But I'm not in panic mode anymore...thanks to you."

One of my hands grabbed onto hers as we both relaxed and stared up at the spinning fan above us. My best friend in the entire world was having a baby. I couldn't wrap my mind around the idea of it.

"Jason called. He said Russ is going insane not hearing from should really call him tonight." I insisted, tilting my head over toward her.

Cassie furrowed her brows. A grimace pulled her lips downwards on her lightly freckled face. "I don't know how to tell him...or how he's going to react."

"He really cares about you, Cass. He's a good man, and I know he'll be there for you."

"You think so?" She asked, looking directly into my eyes. Her brown orbs began to water once more, causing my heart to sink.

"I do," I assured her, leaning on my elbow for support.

"It's just that we haven't even been dating for that long, and now I'm pregnant...why would he want to stick around and deal with that? I mean, we're hardly in our twenty's, Olivia."

"So what?" I shrugged, wiping away a hot tear that had fallen from her eye. "That doesn't mean that you can't keep building the great relationship you have with him and possibly enhance it even more with your baby."

"I never imagined I'd be a mom at twenty-one." She laughed nervously, resting her head on my shoulder. The aroma of her orange blossom-scented shampoo filled my nose as I inhaled.

"So you're thinking about going through with the pregnancy?" I asked, wrapping my arm around hers.

Cassie nodded her head, resting a hand tenderly on her stomach. "I think so."

I kissed the top of her head before placing one of my hands over hers. "Well, you're going to be such an incredible mommy. This little one is so lucky."

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