Chapter 43

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"I think we did a pretty good job on these Gray. What do you think?" I asked, feeding Grayson some of the acai bowl I had just labored away at making for breakfast. After tasting it, Grayson smiled and clapped his little hands together, bringing a grin to my face. I picked him up from his seat and grabbed my bowl, bringing it over to the sofa so that we could sit and watch TV. He had this new obsession with watching Scooby-doo, and he'd break out into a fit of laughter every time something scared Scooby and Shaggy. It was the cutest thing in the world.

Because Russ planned a surprise vacation for himself and Cassie, Jason and I offered to keep him for the weekend. Cassie had been battling pain for months, confined to a wheelchair and having to use crutches. Her cast was finally removed, and she could begin moving about more freely.

Seven months had passed since the accident, and she'd been through more than any new mother should in that time. Russ wanted to do something extra special to celebrate her healing and show her a great time after her suffering, so he took her to the balloon festival in Albuquerque. Something she always talked about going to someday.

Additionally, he had something big planned for Cassie that she was unaware of. She would be returning home to New York a fiancé. I helped Russ choose the beautiful Tiffany & Co. ring that I knew my best friend would adore. On the other hand, Russ feared that he'd be in debt over the damn thing for the next decade. Regardless, it was for Cassie, and she was worth every penny of it to him.

Just as I put on another episode of Scooby-doo, the front door opened, and in walked a very upbeat and happy Jason. He sported a pair of black sweats and his fire department sweatshirt that he seemed to live in during the fall months.

"Hey baby, how was your session?" I asked as he plopped down on the sofa beside me, leaning in for a kiss.

Jason pecked my lips quickly before taking Grayson into his arms and hugging him close. Grayson squealed as he grabbed onto Jason's hand with his much tinier ones, attempting to chew on his thumb.

"It was good, sweetheart. My therapist said she was pleased with my progress, and honestly, so am I." He smiled, holding Grayson up and pretending to fly him around like a little airplane.

As Jason played with Grayson, he burst into giggles, making me laugh as well.

"I'm thrilled you're doing better Jase, you look so much happier," I admitted, resting my head on his shoulder.

He did look a lot happier. He was essentially back to being the man I knew before his father attempted to wreak havoc on his life. It was rough the first month he started therapy. He had to face a lot of the trauma he'd been running from for his entire life and put everything out on the line, but he was healing now, and that was all that mattered.

"Thank you, baby girl," He whispered, kissing the top of my head. "How did your last day of classes go? Someone gets to start her clinical rotations soon." He grinned, wagging his brows at me.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I nodded my head, "Yes! I get to start in the peds ICU at Children's Med soon. I'm so excited!" I beamed as the reality of my dream job had only one more semester at school between each other.

"I'm so proud of you, baby girl. You're going to do great over there," Jason assured me.

"I appreciate your support Jason, even with everything you've been going through. That beautiful office you made for me helped a lot."

The office that Jason had started building for me before his father came had finally been finished about two months ago. He used it a lot as a distraction while he took a couple of weeks off work to get his mind together, and he did an excellent job.

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